Chapter Twenty Two

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The old man in the study, smiled as he scrolled down the screen of his laptop. He was glad to see the happy faces in the picture, especially when it was his daughter. It made his heart swelled in happiness. He knew she was doing well. Might as well give the person in the picture a call. The Marquess of Hexham, Lord (d/n) (l/n) took his phone and began dialling. As he waited, his eyes lingered on the photo of little (y/n) which sat infront of him on the desk. He coughed hoarsely, been chewing off more than he could at work. The result was him getting sick and a few fits of cough. But he was getting better now. As soon as the phone was answered, his eyes were averted back to his laptop.

"Good Morning (y/n)."

"Morning, hi dad!" 

"Your enthusiastic." (L/n) smiled. "I saw the pictures you sent last night. Having a great time?"

"Well yeah. Though it does feel funny for an english lady like me to be celebrating 4th of July. But still, it was amazing."

"And you were quite persistent when I first asked you to do this job. I basically had to bribe my own daughter for you to go." he gave a hearty laugh.

"Bribing? That's called salary! You have to pay your workers." She laughed as well. "But yeah, I guess I am... actually  having fun with this job."

"That's-" he threw a coughing fit he tried to suppress throughout their conversation. "great, (y/n)."

"Your sick." her tone went dead serious.

"Now before you say anything, I had our doctor prescribe me medication."


He sighed of relieve. A knock was heard soon after that. He permitted whoever was outside to enter. It was one of the maids, she brought in his morning tea and his medicine. After dismissing the maid, he resumed his chat with (y/n). They discussed about the invisible traitor in the academy. He was interested about the triskellion that was said to be the logo of the Second Players. What he didn't know was that the it had darker meanings than just being a mere logo to the enemy.

"So the triskellion should be tattooed on the body parts of every member?" he asked.

"That was the theory. Since Japan did mentioned about that tattoo visible on Ryu's shoulder blade and that we found one carved on some wall."

"I see. I'll have the army to search for anything suspicious that bears the triskellion. Meanwhile, I would like all of you to be on your guards. Especially our country, we still hadn't found a logical motive for them to attack Arthur and bombing our bridge." he said. "And I want you to be on your guard."

"Why do you keep giving me warnings dad?" she noticed how he always gave her courage advices or even careful warnings.

(L/n) went speechless. "Honestly, I don't know." That was the truth. He didn't know why, he just had that feeling ever since the bombing. "Instinct I presume."

"Father's instinct or soldier's instinct?"

"A little bit of both. They don't call me Major General for nothing do they?" he joked which made her laughed. He coughed again a few times.

"I think I should let you enjoy your morning tea. Don't forget your medicine."

"I wouldn't forget it (y/n), it's infront of my eyes. Anyway, enjoy yourself too. Have a picnic or go to beach. The island should have beaches." he suggested.

"That's nice dad. But it's pouring here since early morning, so we're staying indoors."

"Well, what are you planning today?"

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