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  (BTS stans dont kill me plz if I know me dont read this XD)

     I began walking down the street, singing as usual passing houses, cars, stores. The usual, I was out looking for a certain store to buy from. Im a regular costumer there. Finally I arived to see more cars than usual. 

 "Great there busy, I don't like being around people they give me anxiety." I pulled out my phone and switched to music so I could block out everyone. "Hmm which artist? How bout my favorite band? Maybe just one member? Lie by Chim Chim? Why not." I began playing the song imaging being in one of the concerts smiling satisfied, I walked into the store picking out my items I did a double take to make sure I was alone on the aisle and began singing. I started twirling around as I picked up items, I couldn't dance well but I still loved dancing. I tripped ocassonally and cursed at my own stupidity.

I got all the items I needed in that aisle. "I knew I shoulda got a cart how the fuck am I gonna balance this?" I attempted to balance all the items dropping a few whole walking to the carts only to walk into someone and drop a glass bottle shattering it and cutting my leg. "Fuck! That hurt!" I looked up to see a pink sweater on a...guy? I looked up more. "Oh shit." My face went red. Jin?! Thee Jin? Oh fuck! Oh shit! Oh Mother of all that is holy! I panicked.

"SORRY!" and then I ran. I hid in an aisle my breathing pace quickining with my heart rate. I screamed into a pillow infront of me only to relise it wasn't a pillow. "AH! TAETAE!" I ran again. They. We're. EVERYWHERE. 

"Okay y/n breathe it's okay your only imagining it. Your only loosing your mind. You did not just run into Jin and scream on Tae's Gucci shirt. Your okay. Just go back to shopping. I breathed and went back to shopping. I calmed down when Jungkook cover of paper hearts came on. I remember my friend from America saying me and Jungkook were the best singers in the world and that we could make an amazing duet. I sighed. "If only." I began singing along continuing to shop. 

I tried to ignore my surroundings. I ended up getting everything and balancing it too. I went to the checkout and put my stuff there. "Did you find everything okay sir?" The lady asked. "Uh BTS here?" She smiled. "Yeah four of them are here, I'm actually friends with a few of them. Poor Jin just had a glass bottle drop and get some of the drink on his clothes but he's fine he'll live. He claimed the guy freaked out and ran away he apparently ran into Taehyung not long after. Jimin says he heard a guy singing really well wonder who. Jungkook said he heard it too. Whoever the guy is must be talented for those idols to approve."

I was internally screaming. "Fuck. Oh well how about we be friends?" I smirked feeling minipulative if I get her number I can maybe get to meet and re-meet BTS. 

"Sure, here's my number." She wrote it down. "Awesome, so did they say anything else about the guy?""Not really only that he was singing lie and paper hearts so hes supposedly an ARMYs member." I sighed. 

"Well here's your stuff!" She said finishing up and taking my money and handing me her number. I walked out of the store singing with my eyes closed. 

"I can see a wonderful mystery hiding within my reach but I can't reach out

I can't breathe the beauty captivated me I'm lost in the flames my heart can't contain as long as you are in my sight 

I wanna hold you so close, I wanna call you mine but you keep on running and I'm almost out of time it's almost like you don't want me but your bloods in my veins and it's slowly killing me the longer your away

I can't smell can't wake up and smell the roses there dying without you light they can't live 

And I want the world to belong to you but we can't have everything that we want to 

I want to see you deep within my grasp but your running away you ain't coming back 

I can't move on or move at all I see you were I turn I can't breathe I can't believe you'd leave me on my own 

I wanna hold you so close, I wanna call you mine, I wanna breathe in your scent hold onto you lifeline but you keep moving away each and every day the longer your in my reach the more it hurts to stay 

I wanna give you the world but the light is fading away deep in the dark were your standing without something to guide your way

I want you to be my love I want you to be my only I want you to not be scared I want you to be there but your not

I'm chasing the clock you speeding it up and I just can't keep up it's hurting the longer I run but I still refuse to give up I can still see your image so I can't let go yet 

I'm holding onto a memory i need to let go it's what you wanted I need to breathe but I'm drowning under the hold you have on my heart...

I wanna give you the world the sun my soul I wanna hold you in my arms and never let you go." (MY SONG ORIGINAL DO NOT STEAL OR I SWEAR ILL SUE YOU) 

I finished singing and stopped walking and opened my eyes to see girls surrounding me. 

"OMG ARE YOU FAMOUS? DID YOU COME TO HANG OUT WITH BTS? DO YOU KNOW THEM? ARE YOU DATING?" Some of the girls bombarded me with questions suddenly I snapped anger rising. 

"GO AWAY IM NOT IN THE MOOD!" They must not have heard me. 

"You heard him leave him alone!!!" Holy shiteu was that Taehyung's voice? The girls backed up they were all gawking over him. 

"You okay? I heard you singing are you famous?""No sadly" I said immediatly snapping out of my anger. "I'm just an average boy is all."

"Did you write that song?" I blushed a bit as Jimin walked up. Jungkook and Jin following him. 

"Yah-Yes." I realised what was happening and I started panicking. 

"Woah breathe!" Taehyung said worried. 

"Jin*gasp*I'm*gasp*So*gasp*sorry*gasp*I*gasp*I*gasp*i-" my breath started fading and I got dizzy. Am I gonna faint? 

I opened my eyes I was being half held by Jin. "You okay?" I screamed. 

"OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY I RUINED YOUR CLOTHES DONT HATE ME!""My clothes? Oh there fine how about I get you some tea? You look a little pale from fainting. "Oh o-okay"

"Let's all get to know each other." Tae said smiling. 

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