Do you care?

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I sighed sitting on the deck. BTS we're throwing a party and had beverages sitting out. Sense I'm underage they wouldn't let me drink. I ended up waiting til they were all pretty much to drink to form coherent sentences to steal some drinks and sneak to the balconyish deck outside my window. I sighed taking a drink. The last month had been hell with school and work so having a day off was nice. 

I never really told them that what they did affected me which didn't matter much because they didn't do it anymore. Jungkook still expiremented with me but he wasn't being an ass he was genuinely curious. I sighed taking a sip looking at the stars and orangish blue sky. What a beautiful night. I took another drink. 

"Hey." I jumped scared til I realised it was Jungkook. Him and Jin didn't drink tonight so that they could monitor the party. "Hey." I sighed. He climbed through the window and sat next to me. He looked at the drinks and raised a brow. "Drinking at 18? Your lucky Jin didn't catch you sneaking off with those drinks." I tched. "Whatever. I'm not scared of the 'eomma' of the household." He rolled his eyes then gave me a serious look. 

"You've been acting weird lately. Why?" I looked away from him. "Well I like this boy...okay boys." He nodded. "And?" I smiled sadly sighing. "Well their all amazing perfect even. They can sing rap dance. They are smart funny cute. But I think they'll never like me back. I'm average, idiotic and not nearly as good. Plus they keep messing with me. I hate falling in love with them because they could never love me back." 

He sighed. "Who are they?""I can't say. But I love them all. They'll never love me back. They'd never understand. I know it's going to hurt when they reject me so why even ask. I'd rather leave things how they are. Maybe I could trust you and Jin to know but the others....not so much." He smiled. "I won't judge tell me! Is it got7?" He smirked. I laughed. "as hot as BamBam is no they aren't." 

He raised a brow. "Who then?""well their are 7 members their maknae is super adorable." He looked confused and I resisted the urge to laugh. "The names start with N S Y H J T J and their leader raps and is know for destroying things he touches." Jungkook laughed. "sounds like rm to me." I rolled my eyes. "The group is one of the most popular and won many awards....starts with a B....I live with them." He gasped. 

"YOU LIKE U-" I slapped my hand over his mouth. "Shh they might hear you!" He blushed. "You like us?" I nodded sighing and standing up. "Don't answer. I don't want to know. We're still friends at least right?" He nodded. "But-" then my eyes began to water. "Please don't I can't handle rejection I'm just going to go." With that I ran off. 

Later that night I snuck back into my room only to find a sleeping Jungkook in my bed and a note. I read it. 'if your reading this I fell asleep in your bed waiting for you. Sorry! Feel free to cuddle me~' I sighed climbing in bed and wrapping my arms around him. "Goodnight."

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