Hate comments

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I sat in my room crying. Namjoon was the only other person home so he must have heard my sobs and came to check on me. "What's wrong jagi?" I sobbed harder. "I have to quit BTS." His eyes widened and he walked over and sat next to me whipping my tears away. "Why?" I pointed to my phone sobbing to hard to form a sentence. He looked over at my phone and scrolled. 

"A picture you posted?..." He began reading the comments. "He's so ugly I can't beilive BTS would date him let alone let him be an 8th member I hope he gets kicked out or even better kills himself?" Namjoon looked at my sympatheticly. "Oh jagi is this why your sad?" I snatched my pH and scrolled down and showed him the screen again and he read. "What an ugly asshole (previous user) was right he should die #y/nisaslut." I scrolled more. "More like #y/nkillyourself." I scrolled farther. "He's fat and ugly fuck that ugly bitch I hope BTS kick him out and leave him on the streets he should burn in hell." I scrolled more. "That slut stole my bias #y/nshoulddie if he stole yours too." Namjoon glared as he continued reading comments. 

I finally threw my phone down and hiccuped whipping my nose and sniffling. "That's why I'm crying. I should just l-leave BTS. You shouldn't d-date me." Namjoon brushed my hair back. "Don't say that Jagi those are just haters we all have them. In face everyone else probably wanted to leave BTS at some point. They just need to warm up to you for now you'll have tons of haters but soon enough you'll have so many loving ARMYs to back you up that you'll forget all about the haters." I sniffled again whipping my eyes. "P-promise?" Namjoon smiled and kissed me he always gave such sweet gentle kisses. 

I melted into his touch and eventually we parted from each other's lips. "Joonie?" He smiled at the nickname. "Yes baby?" I hugged him. "There's so many things I've wanted to say to you but never could so many compliments so many praises I'm sorry I'm always to shy to say them." He laughed "to shy? Jagi your my boyfriend!" I blushed. "well handsome men intimidate me. It's why I never am able to put into words how I feel about you all." He smiled and picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. "How about you write a song to explain how you feel. I'll carry you to the car and into the recording studio." I nodded excitedly. "Okay! Love you Joonie." I rested my head in the crook of his neck. 

I felt the happiness and love in his voice as he spoke words that sent loving shivers down my spine. "I love you too."



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