They found out

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I smiled and ran to hug Kesu today I was spending time with the boys who helped get me to where I am now. Kesu lifted me up and started carrying me bridal style. "Put me down hyung you asshat!" He just laughed and carried me over to Yoosun before setting me down. "Did BTS finally let you go?" I laughed. "Technically I'm still their prisoner at any moment they could pop up and steal me away." Yoosun laughed and hugged me. "Whatever dork. Niku and Lin are here aswell." I ran over to Niku and hugged him. "You redyed your hair pink?" He nodded. I smiled letting go of him and hugging lin "ooh firey orangeish yellow hair!" Lin laughed. 

"I missed you boys." They smirked. "We missed you too ever sense you've being spending to much time with BTS to even notice us." Yoosun spoke and I hit his arm. "Shut up man!" Then Niku nudged my shoulders and I growled. "Yes?""you spend hours with them just itmit you love them." I blushed and looked down. "Fine I'm in love with BTS." Niku started giggling like a mad man which was high-key unlike him. 

"Oh we knew but they didn't. Well everyone but Jin Jimin and Jungkook." My face turned blood red. "Shit....their behind me aren't they?" I turned around and came face to face with BTS. Yoongi seemed frozen in time. Namjoon was unsure of himself. Hobi froze with his mouth open about to bite cotton candy. Taehyung was in shock. I glared at Jin Jimin and Jungkook. Jungkook just laughed, Jimin was smiling and Jin shrugged at me. 

I turned around to face my friends. "NIKU KESU LIN YOOSUN WHOS IDEA WAS THIS!" they slowly pointed to kesu and Yoosun. "I figured." I growled out as I chased the two. Eventually I calmed down and turned to face BTS. "Jeon Jungkook....park Jimin.....Kim seokjin.....who's going to die tonight?" Jin and Jimin pointed to Jungkook. "He told Yoosun and Kesu!" Jimin blurted. 

"Jungkook your a dead man." I said glaring at him. I was about to charge at him but Taehyung grabbed my wrist. "Is it true?" He asked with his bangs dangling over his eyes so I couldnt see his emotions. I got nervous. "Y-y-yes." Taehyung then glared. "Then why did you tell them first! You could've trusted me I wouldn't have broken your trust like Jungkook." He whined hugging me. 

"Did a twenty three year old adult man just whine to me and I thought it was adorable? Yes, yes I did." Taehyung then kissed me and I growled when I opened my eyes to peak at what my friends were doing and they had their phones out. "Where ya posting it? I'm posting to insta.""I'll post to YouTube"" I got twitter." I pulled away from Taehyungs plump lips to glare at my friend's. "Do it and die.""too late I recorded a v-live of the whole thing." My producer said coming out from behind a building. "Plus I think the fans will love this content." 

I growled and Taehyung smiles and turns me to face him. "Shh no need to be angry I'm sure it'll be fine." I groaned. "How?" He wispered to me and I nodded. After speaking to vlive about what happened being for a skit were working on we got away with the kiss. "thank my got7 gay good Jackson for saving me." Jungkook raised an eyebrow. Jimin pouted. "Don't choose got7 over us." I laughed and hugged Jimin. "I wont. Plus I don't love them the way I love you boys." Jimin then kissed me but before it got too heated I pulled away smiling. "Lets get ice cream." 

He nodded "but first we should snap Hobi and Namjoon out it." I nodded and walked up to Namjoon. "Hey Joonie you alive?" He then blinked. "Slightly dazed but yes I'm alive." He then kissed me it was short and simple but it was nice and I enjoyed it. Then I went to snap Hobi out of it. "Hey Hobi~" I took a bite out of his cotton candy and he went back to normal. 

"Did you say you....loved us?" I nodded and suprisingly he gripped onto my shoulders and in excitement he pulled me forward and kissed me. He was less eager with kisses than Jungkook but he deffinitly was harsh. After the kiss I blushed and hugged Kesu. "Hyung I think I'm dying. BTS just kissed me.""not everyone." 

Yoongi then pulled me by the wrist off to go on a ride sense we were at the amusment park after all. Then BTS and me got on the ferris wheel and once it reached the top the guy at the bottom stopped the ride and we sat their watching the sunset. Suddenly Yoongi turned me to face him. "I'm not normally affectionate so this had to be special." Then he kissed me. He was surprisingly sweet and gentle. Like he'd hurt me if he kissed me any harder. I blushed and eventually pulled away. From behind me Jimin hugged me. "This veiw is amazing." I nodded. 

"Couldn't agree more.""what does this mean we are now?" I sighed. "I don't know but does this relationship really have to have a label?" They chuckled. "Good point." Taehyung pointed out and I smiled leaning my head back on Jimin's chest as I drifted off to sleep. 

(No idea where I'm taking this story so leave requests!) 

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