Marriage to Seokjin

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I smiled and walked back to my original position and waited while they set up the second wedding finishing getting everyone in there outfits my new outfit consisted of an orange ribbon around my neck wrapping down around both my arms then wrapping around my index finger. The other part of the ribbon wrapped around my waist with a big bow in the back. The skirt was almost like the sunset but it was mostly white. They put on sunset type makeup. The girl I met so long ago walked up to me. "I hope you don't mind I'll be walking you down the isle this time you look very handsome." I smiled. "thanks you look very beautiful in Orange. I love the flower at the edge of the dress." She smiled and the music came on.

"Oh are you ready?" I nodded. She smiled. "Let's go then!" We hooked arms and walked out the song that played was created by Jin himself it was a song I've never heard I giggled when I heard the lyrics say 'so let's get married today.' I looked around at the orange colors the beautiful sunset colors, flowers it was so beautiful. I looked over to Jin. He wore a orange tie and had orange designs on his suit that looked expensive much like Namjoons. I re-arrived at the alter. 

Exchanging vows he said something that really tugged at my heart "you not love yourself  but I can make enough love for the both of us. I can help you learn to love yourself as much as I love you. Beilive me that amount of love may take time but I'll be with you every step of the way." Fresh tears slipped out of my eyes as we sealed our love with a kiss. 

"Jin." I wispered against his lips. "Yes?" I smiled our lips still slightly touching. "Youve already helped a ton. For you and for the good of myself I'll learn to love myself." Music came back on and we swayed and danced. He spun me and dipped me when he brought me back up we kissed again. The clapping still could never muffle the sound of my racing heart. The love we felt for each other could never be drowned out by a croud. 

(SORRY IT WAS SHORT but it was hopefully just enough to make you feel somewhat emotional 

Remember I love you miracles! 😉💜💜💘💘💘)

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