Care taker

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I groaned as I heard another Bell ding come from Jungkooks room and a loud yell. "baaaaaabe!" I grunted and set down the rag on Hoseoks head. I yelled back "Baby I'm taking care of Hobi can you wait a second?! I still have to take mr.grumpyass some Advil!" Jungkook took a few seconds then yelled back. "Okay jagi I love you!" I laughed and yelled back. "I love you too!" BTS had all caught some sort of illness wether it a cold, flu, stomach virus or  fever virus I was taking care of them all because I was the only one not sick. I walked to Yoongi's room with a bottle of Advil. 

"Ugh my head fucking hurts." I smiled and kissed Yoongi's head and he groaned. "If only your kisses were as magical as they feel." I rolled my eyes and handed him the Advil. "Take it it'll help reduce the pain. Doctor said you have a fever virus and I've had one before I know it sucks ass just keep the movements to a minimal and if you need something I'll get to you as fast as my huge ass can because I have 6 other whiny boys to take care of." Yoongi smiled. "It's a nice ass." I rolled my eyes. "Just take your damn Advil and try and rest." I left his room walking to Jungkooks. 

"What do you need hon?" He smiled. "Can you bring taetae in here I miss his cuddles" I smiled. "Actually your a genius kook!" He looked at me and smiled. "How so?" I sighed. "Well it's hard running to each individual room 24/7 so why not take care of you all together. C'mon grab your puke can we're going to the living room." After a long struggle of getting each boyfriend to the living room I had them all laying on the couch. Taehyung happily cuddling Jungkook smiled at me and spoke. "I'm feeling better can I have candy?" I glared. "No tae I don't need you puking like Jungkook and Jin you may only have a cold but I'd like to keep it as just stuffy nose and cough rather than puking aswell like Jungkook." 

Jungkook giggled kind of loopy from the medicine. "We could be puke buddies!" I gaged. "Jungkook I better never hear that come out of your mouth again." Jungkook giggled and hid his face in Taehyungs shirt. "Okayyyy. Can me and Tae get like...married?" Now I know for sure that Jungkook is loopy on drugs I giggled. "As cute as that sounds I'm afraid you can't hon at least not when your sick." Taehyung reached out for me. "Join the cuddling." Jin hit Taes arms. "Nooo he can't if he's sick he can't take care of us!" Taehyung pouted. "This is horrible." I looked at my boys. 

Yoongi layed passed out with his head in Jimin's lap. Jimin was asleep drool running down his chin because he couldn't breathe out his nose from the cold. Jin layed between Hoseok and Namjoon. Jin had a stomach virus so he had been puking all dag, Hoseok had a cold like Jimin except his was more of a sore throat and cough Namjoon had a fever and a slight cold but he was drained and exhausted. I smiled at them. "My poor Hyungs all so sick. I'll take care of all of you." I whipped the drool from Jimin's mouth with my sleeve and kissed his cheek I bent down and kissed Yoongi's cheek aswell. "Sleep well Yoongs and ChimChim rest well so you can get better." I then almost tripped over Taehyungs legs and kissed his cheek and then Jungkooks. "You two get some sleep, Jungkookie you need to stay hydrated aswell because puking is dehydrating you and Taehyung you need to rest so the drugs can do it's work on making you feel better." I walked over and kissed Hoseok Namjoon and Jins cheek. "Jin get some rest and take a nausea tablet at 2 in the afternoon so you won't feel sick later as well. Hoseok drink water even if it hurts because letting your throat get dry will only make the pain greater plus you might have strep throat. Lastly Namjoon take a nice nap and drink some nice sleepy time tea after a good sleep I think you'll be better." 

They all smiled at me (minus the sleeping Jimin and Yoongles) Jungkook spoke softly to not wake his sick hyungs next to him. "Thank you for taking care of us we love you jagi." I smiled at him. "I love you boys too. Now get some rest ring your bells if you need something but I'm going to get some sleep in the couch over there I've been up all night." They nodded and I sat down in the chair letting my head fall back as I slowly fell asleep. 

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