Marriage to Yoongi

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It was the third wedding of the night and my nervousness had warn off I was ready for this all I felt was love towards the boys who would wait at the alter for my arrival and hand in our semi real marriage. It wasn't necessarily legal or illegal it was just something we did to basically tell everyone that yes we are together and yes we've committed to this. As the makeup artist was fixing my makeup she laughed. "so do you plan to adopt kids or have someone else bear the children?" I blushed. "I haven't thought that far yet but I've always wanted to adopt." She smiled. "how many children have you wanted before you met them and now." 

I blushed and looked down. "Actually I've always wanted seven children I know it seems like alot but hey seven husband's a child for each it could work." She laughed. "well I wish you luck beilive me boys like them may struggle because they can be so childish themselves but there boys like you and men are naturally protective so even if they seem like they aren't trying hard enough like doing every house chore they will come around." I rolled my eyes. "How would you know." She laughed "actually I wouldn't I have a wife and a girlfriend unlike you I only married one of my girlfriends." 

I looked at her. "Mia?" She smiled down at me with her glossy red lips. "Yes?" I turned around to face her looking at her brown braids that went to her shoulders and her deep brown eyes staring into mine. "Would you like to walk me down the isle. Ever sense I became a BTS member you've done my makeup and chatted with me I've come to the conclusion that you and me will be good friends Mia. Would you like to walk me down to Yoongi?" She smiled and bowed. "of course it's an honor. C'mon let's go the music should start soon. Yoongi said he didn't want to go through with playing the rap he made for you but I may have done a but of convincing." I smiled. 

"Thanks Mia. Let's go." I looked down at my long past knee yellow and white skirt it had flower patterns a yellow ribbon was tied around my waist making my skirt and shirt look like a dress. The top was white with real crystals it was truley magnificent. A rap began to play and I smiled at Mia. Geuss she really does know how to convince mr. Grumpy pants. 

She began walking me down the isle and I smiled widely almost laughing why did Yoongi look so cute in yellow? He had the most adorable gummy smile ever I really hadn't seen his adorable smile as often as I'd like too. After being presented to him I waited after we exchanged vows Yoongi cut off the person speaking "Oh just let me kiss him already!" Then we kissed. 

There was so much love more affectionate than he's ever kissed me. I smiled into the kiss and started to pull away but he pulled me back in for a deeper kiss. When we pulled away we hugged and smiled we we're both so incredibly happy. How am I gonna handle four more of these? I burried my face in Yoongi's neck and giggled. "Your really cute today." Yoongi laughed. "really? Arnt I always grumpy? That is what you say all the time after all " I sighed. "don't ruin the moment." He laughed and leaned his head against mine. 

"No promises yet prince charming." I rolled my eyes. "Oh whatever Yoongles." He groaned. "Stop giving me nicknames." I chuckled. "No promises Yoon kitty." He laughed again. "Yoon kitty? Really?" I nodded against his neck. "Yep cuz your a cute little kitten.""Oh kill me now." 


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