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I tilted my head back parting my lips get clutching the sheets next to my neck my other hand resting on my face. "Your a natural y/n." I heard Taehyung coo while the photographer took photos. I sat up and rested my head on my knee making a cute smile while the photographer took more photos. "I'm shocked at how good you are at modelling." Jimin spoke and I stood up leaning against a patterned wall. The photographer smiled at me. "Be yourself!" I nodded and looked at my boyfriend's and Jungkook smiled at me so I smiled back. 

I started giggling after Jin told a joke and looked at the camera with my eyes staring into the lense. He took pictures and I pushed off the wall and smiled at him. "Where next?" The photographer grabbed my hand and set me standing sideways and moved Jungkook next to me and I looked at the photographer with confusion. "I've never taken pictures with other people what do I do?" 

Jungkook turned my head to look at him. I looked into his beautiful eyes and smiled leaning into his touch. "Just like that." The photographer took photos and I giggled. I had totally forgotten that their was a photographer next to us. Jungkook moved me closer. "I can imagine that ARMYs will learn to love you and theyll treasure seeing photos like these." I booped Jungkooks nose because I could barely handle the seriousness he gave off especially with a camera on us. He giggled and grabbed my finger and brought our hands to chest height. He intertwined our fingers and put our forheads together. 

I smiled softly and looked Jungkook in the eyes for the first time in a long time I felt loved. I felt a warmth I've never felt before he smiled at me and looking into his eyes I saw so much love and adoration. Suddenly my eyes welled up with tears and I let out a choked laugh while tears streamed down my cheeks. I leaned in and kissed him. He smiled into the kiss and gave the sweetest kiss he's ever given it wasn't needy or wanting. It was sweet and gentle, loving. I pulled away and he whipped my eyes. 

"Don't cry jagi. Your so handsome." He hugged me and I hugged back tightly. "Thank you." He laughed. "For what jagi?" I sighed sniffling from the tears. "For loving me. For being their for me and taking care of me. I love you Jungkook." He let in a sharp inhale and pulled away from the hug and I saw tears streaming down his cheeks. "Your making me emotional jagi." He chuckled and whipped his eyes. "I love you too." 

We pulled away from each other still holding hands and we looked at the photographer. "Did the pictures turn out well?" I asked hopeful. The photographer laughed. "The ARMYs will love it." I nodded and looked at my other boyfriends they were emotional as well I started laughing. "boys!" I laughed. "Why are you all crying?!" Yoongi glared with tears down his cheeks. 

"I'm a man I don't cry!" I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Right because your eyes are sweating." Yoongi nodded. "Yep. Must be an issue. I should see the doctor for it." I shook my head in disappointment. "Yoongi I can't handle you right now..." 

(Sweet moment with Jungkook don't worry you have a sweet moment with every member at some point!) 

Singer? (BTS x Male!Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora