Next day

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I woke up with arms around my waist and my arms around theirs. Who was I with last night? I groaned opening one eye barely to see the bright morning light. Ugh my poor eyes. I looked up to see Jimin's cute sleeping face his face was even chubbier than usual. So cute! I opened both my eyes to look at him more clearly I kissed his cheek and layed down drifting back off to sleep. My sleep was soon interrupted by Taehyung walking in playing loud ass music and Jungkook jumping on the bed. Then it stopped. Then they laughed. 

"Huh?" I opened my eyes. Oh shit they moved the covers and they know Jimin is naked. "Did you sleep together sleep together last night?!" Jungkook asked smirking and smiling in excitement. "no!" I yelled swinging the covers back over Jimin to keep his dick from being presented to the world. "HAHA YOU DID DIDNT YOU!" taehyung laughed so hard he fell to the floor. Jimin sat up the covers sliding off his chest. "Ugh taetae-hyung Jungkook-ah I'm tired go away." 

"Did you sleep with y/n?" He blushed in embarrassment. "No! We cuddled but he wouldn't let me leave to get clothes and he convinced me to lay down naked and wouldn't let me get up!" Jungkook gave a oh really look clearly not buying it. "So how was your first time?" Jungkook asked me jumping on to my lap. "We didn't do anything Jungkook I swear! If we did things I wouldn't be acting so calm about it!" Jimin nodded. "Yeah and i wouldn't do that without checking to see everyone would be okay with it." We both nodded. Jungkook pouted. "Damn. Thats a shame~" Jungkook wrapped his arms around me and layed down between me and Jimin.

"I love you three~" Jungkook said pulling Taehyung in the bed to cuddle aswell.  I smiled. "You boys are so weird." Taehyung laughed. "Youll get used to us in about one more year." I nodded cuddling Jungkook. "Jungkookie what if I had slept with Jimin would you be upset?" Jungkook shook his head no. "Why would I be? I love you both. I'd think it's cute considering you both seem so submissive." I glared and rolled me and Jungkook over so I was on top of him looking down at him. "I can be dominant It really depends." Jungkook blushed. "JIMIN, TAEHYUNG HELP ME!" Jimin laughed. "Nope you got yourself into that one and I can be dominant aswell and you know that Jungkook!" Jungkook blushed darker. "We don't talk about that night!" 

Me and Taehyung looked at the two. "Excuse me?" Jungkook hid his face in embarrassment and Jimin smirked. "Jungkook had a boner and Taehyung wasn't their to have him loose his virginity so in the meantime he had me grind on him and it got worse and he started begging for me!" I smirked and Taehyung pouted. Taehyung hit Jungkooks arm. "You could have invited me to join I was literally on my way home!" Jungkook laughed "sorry Tae I will next time. But even after what Jimin said doesn't make me submissive!" Jimin nodded. "Right but you weren't begging to be inside me it was the other way around!" Jungkook glared and Jimin. "Shut up." I smiled. 

"I love you weirdos." They smiled. "We're your weirdos." I nodded. "yep now let's go get breakfast.... After me and Jimin get clothes on..." 

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