Breakfast in bed

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I sighed in content laying face down on a pillow inhaling my boyfriend's scent. I almost screamed when I was suddenly flipped over and tickled. "Wake up sleepy head!" I groaned and giggled.  "Hoseok stop!" He only laughed and continued. "Nope todays the big day!" I barely opened my eyes and pulled out my phone to check it. I had a notification from my calendar. "Marriage." I turned off my phone and threw it down. "If it's such a special day I should be able to sleep in." I flipped over again taking a deep inhale of Yoongi's scent and drifted back off to sleep. 

I awoke to a heavy weight on my back. Hoseok was laying on me. "Hobi get off I can't breathe." I yelled so he could hear me through the pillow. "umm no." I grunted. "You don't want to kill your fiance on your wedding day do you?!" He laughed and got off me and I flipped over now wide awake. "Should I get up?" Hoseok shook his head and then screamed as loudly as humanly possible causing me to cover my ears. "JEON JUNGKOOK!" my eyes widened at how fast Jungkook made it to the room holding a breakfast tray. Well he is the golden maknae. Then I giggled to myself. 

"I'm now the maknae." Jungkook pouted. "You have stolen my tittle." I rolled my eyes and he brought me my breakfast. I smiled widely. "CRISPY BACON! WHO MADE THIS?" Jungkook laughed and rolled his eyes. "Um Seokjin-hyung duh." I screamed so Jin could hear me. "THANKS FOR COOKING THIS FOR ME JIN I LOVE YOU!" jungkook laughed when Jin replied with a "no problem I love you too!" I turned to Jungkook and he spoke. "Is this how were going to communicate?" I nodded and Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Wait...are we brother husband's now because there's sister wives does that make us brother husband's?" I laughed. "It does unless you like them too." 

Jungkook blushed and avoided my gaze. "Well possibly." I sighed. "so today I'm getting married eh?"

Jungkook nodded vigorously. "there will be 7 separate ceremonies including you. Plus I've been thinking about having my own ceremonies with the Hyungs I like." I smirked. "Ooh Jungkookie as a crush on his brother husband's." Jungkook raised an eyebrow and laughed. "That's a sentence I never thought I'd hear." I giggled. "well you did now shoo or sit down and let me eat I'm hungry and this bacon is taunting my taste buds." Jungkook smirked. "I see you've been studying literature." I smirked back. "I see you don't listen well. Sit or leave." Jungkook sat next to me pouting and leaned on me. "Don't be mad." I smiled at his pout. "how could I stay mad at such an adorable little bunny!" 

He wiggled his nose like a bunny sniffing and I poked his nose and kissed him. He kissed back and laughed a bit against my lips. He pulled away and smirked at Hobi. "HAH! I win!" Hoseok smirked. "mmm but I'll win the second bet about the honeymoon." I raised and eyebrow. Jungkook smiled innocently. 

"I better that today I'd be the first to kiss you." I nodded. "Oh what's the honeymoon bet?" Hoseok smirked. 

"jungkook made a bet that he'd take your virginity." I choked on my orange juice. "Excuse me?"  Jungkook made an innocent pout. "It was Jimin's idea I swear I'm a good boy I'm not like that." I gave him an oh really look but almost died when he said he was a good boy. "Well whatever I get to make the decision not you so ha." Jungkook nuzzled against my neck and wispered against my skin. "I think you should pick me." A shiver went down my spine and I blushed. "I'll think about it." Jungkook smiled and kissed my neck and started gently sucking and biting on my neck. I tried to stay focused on eating but couldn't so I set the tray aside and let him continue. 

Jungkook started getting rougher and sucked and bit harder on my neck and I let out soft moans. "Jungkook ah stop ngh I'm sensitive." Still he continued sucking and biting til a dark purple hickey was left on my neck. He pulled back smiling at his work. "We all plan to give you one today figured I should be the first." I nodded. "There's gonna be a long day ahead of me hu?" Hoseok smiled. "Yes but we think you'll love it." I nodded. 

"Jungkook honey, darling, fiancee, future husband, love of my life, soul mate-" he cut me off. "What is it that you want." I giggled. "coffee but not the kind downstairs baby I want Starbucks." Jungkook's face dropped. "I have to drive through traffic to get you coffee?" I pouted. "Don't you want this day to be perfect for me?" He rolled his eyes. "Fine I'll go let me geuss...Carmel macchiato?" I laughed and nodded. "Yep tell them to add whip cream and chocolate syrup!" He sighed. 

"I'll be back in a half our with your coffee jagi. Be good while I'm gone and don't let Jimin steal all your attention from Tae you know they love fighting for your attention and Tae usually has me when your with Jimin but while I'm gone he won't so give them both lots of love and attention for me." I laughed. He really does love Jimin and Tae. "I'll love on them both I promise!" Jungkook kissed my head. "Alright and don't fall back asleep Yoongi had to wake up so he'd be very angry if you got to sleep in on his bed and he didn't." I rolled my eyes. "I know babe I'm getting married to him as well y'know. Yeash you always care so much about Jimin Jin Tae and Yoongi." He smiles. 

"Well I've lived with them for a very long time." I nodded. "I know but still I have too so chill I know how much attention they need. Jimin doesn't leave me alone until I cuddle him or give him some sort of love now go I can smell the coffee already!" He rolled his eyes and left with a final goodbye and an I love you. 

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