Chapter 3: The Test Part 2:

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The small group of Genin were back where they started. Although Naruto was tied up to a stump. Turns out Naruto tried to eat lunch without everyone and got caught in the process.

Sasuke and Sakura sat beside the stump. Sakura looked rather pale and kept glancing at Sasuke to make sure he was real. Sasuke was miffed that he was bested. Dirt still clung to his clothes and was stuck under his nails where he had to claw his way out.

Kira sat leaning against Naruto nothing else to do but stare at her brother.

" guys look really hungry." Kakashi mocked looking the small group over. "Well, there's no need for you guys to go back to the Academy..." That perked up three teens ears.

"Yep, all four of you should quit as ninja's!" Kira rolled her eyes, choosing to ignore Kakashi. She knew he was baiting them.

"QUIT AS NINJAS?! WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!" Naruto's shout rang through the gray haired girl's ear. Shock and rage evident in his tone.

"Okay, okay, we couldn't get the bells, but why do we have to quit?" Sakura asked. They messed up one test and they should quit? That wasn't fair!

"Because all of you are just punks who don't deserve to be ninja's."

Sasuke sprang to his feet, sprinting toward Kakashi. Kakashi quickly got into action. "SASUKE!" Sakura's cry of shock rang through the clearing as she shielded her eyes in fear.

In less than a second Sasuke was pinned to the ground, Kakashi sitting on top of Sasuke with a foot on his head. If you blinked you'd miss it. Kakashi was fast like that.

"That's why you're a punk." Kakashi stated. "Are you guys underestimating ninja's? Huh? Why do you think you were divided into teams and are doing this training?" Kakashi grew one of his mean faces to scare off anyone who came near them. He glared down at his students like they were pathetic.

"Huh? What does that mean?" Sakura asked dumbly. She never used her head. Naruto had this look of confusion.

"You guys aren't understanding the answer to this test." Kakashi sighed shaking his head. A headache was already spreading through his skull.

"Answer?" Naruto asked utterly confused. He didn't understand what Kakashi was talking about.

"Yes, the answer that helps you pass this test."

"So...are you going to tell us?" Sakura questions staring up at him expectantly.

"Geez..." He really wanted them to figure it out on their own. It was simple. They shouldn't be this stupid.

"AGH! DAMN IT! WHATS THE ANSWER ALREADY?!" Naruto couldn't handle this anymore. How were they supposed to learn when he wouldn't tell them!

"Teamwork." Everyone turned to Kira. Eyes closed enjoying some of the sun she spoke again. "Its teamwork."

Kakashi nodded. Glad someone understood.

"Huh?" two voices called out.

"The four of you working together may have gotten you the bells." Kakashi stated.

"Hey, wait a second, what do you mean by teamwork? There are only three bells! Even if we had worked together and got the bells, one of us would still fail. What teamwork? That just makes us fight each other!" Sakura shouted. How could anyone win that way?!

"Of course! This test was purposely set up to make you fight amongst yourselves!" Kakashi explained. "The purpose is to see whether you can forget about your own interests and successfully work together under these designed circumstances." Kakashi sighed slumped his shoulders. They still weren't getting it.

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