New Years!!!

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New Years!

It was almost the start of the new year, and what better way to start this new year off by throwing an amazing killer party! Naruto was known for throwing great parties, everyone would be there. From Konohamaru and his friends to Kakashi and the other teachers, everyone would come. Heck even Itachi Uchiha and his gang.

The entire day Naruto and his best friend Kira were rushing all around town getting the last minute decorations, food, and of course booze.

Around six that night everything was finally all set up, the music was danceable, the food was amazing, snacks all around for whoever got the munchies, the decorations looked amazing. It all looked perfect! Naruto was so lucky to have his friends here with him, especially going in on this new year.

A little after six the house was bumping with music, groups were mingling with one another, Might Guy was off pestering Kakashi while he was trying to read, Kiba kept taunting Naruto saying how this party would be lame but it was clearly a lie, everyone was having a good time. Hinata flushed whenever she was close to Naruto, she was much better now that she was older than when she was younger, Naruto still made her heart go crazy.

Sakura and Ino were glaring at one another while they chatted with Sasuke, though Sasuke looked like he was trying to slip away any second. Shikamaru and Choji were by the snack table, Shikamaru looked exhausted wanting nothing more than to go to bed, while Choji was enjoying the food. They did look like they were having a good time though.

The house was full and lively, Jiraiya and Lady Tsunade were off chatting, Tsunade making sure her old friend didn't do anything when it came to the young ladies.

Itachi and his friends sat towards the side out of everyone's way, they seemed to be enjoying the party. Over all everyone was having a great time.

Naruto and Kira stood talking with Lee, Kiba, Hinata, and Shino. Neji and Tenten seemed to be off somewhere Lee didn't know. Sasuke finally slipped away while the two girls were bickering and made his way towards Naruto's group. He squeezed his way in to stand beside Kira, brushing his hand against hers. She glanced his way for a brief second then went back to talking with Hinata.

He was hoping she'd be his new years kiss. That's one way to start the new year off right? Kissing the girl of your dreams? He wasn't going to kiss Sakura or Ino that's for sure, and he most definitely was not going to kiss Naruto!

He never wanted to be that close to Naruto's face again!

Right now everyone was talking about school, jobs, or past adventures. But mostly what everyone wanted to accomplish in the new year.

"I'm surprised you were able to pull this party off Naruto," Kiba joked looking over everyone. "I thought this party was going to be lame, but it's okay." Kiba tried to play it off as cool but Naruto knew the boy was impressed.

"How were you able to pull this off?" Shikamaru asked joining the group.

"It was pretty easy, Kira and I were able to get everything settled." Sasuke watched the girl beside him nod her head. She was staring at Naruto.

"Yeah the hardest part was the food but we were able to get a discount if we did a couple odd jobs every now and then." A couple odd jobs? Sasuke didn't like the sound of that. "Mostly just like make a few deliveries or help around the shop every now and then."

Sasuke let his heart relax, she was going to be okay. Looking around the room he caught his brother's eye, Sasuke didn't miss the smirk sent his way. Why was Itachi even here? Stupid Naruto inviting him of all people.

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