Nothing But Pain

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The night dragged, Sakura sat exhausted staring down at the unconscious boys. She didn't know where Kira was. Her eyes would droop every now and then, but Sakura forced herself to stay awake. Shaking the sleep away whenever she felt like she would crash.

A few feet away Kira sat in the trees hidden from sight, keeping watch over their makeshift camp. 'Sakura.'

Sakura jumped in surprise shaking her head again, her hands went to rub the tiredness away from her eyes, acting natural. *What is it now?* She moaned, her back ached from hunching all night.

'Those three guys from Oto who attacked Kabuto, they're not far from camp. That bandaged guy is keeping watch. His companions are resting. They've been taking shifts in keeping watch of our camp...we might have some trouble soon.'

Sakura gulped staring wide eyed at the ground. All the tiredness she was feeling now gone. They were being watched. This isn't good at all. *What do we do?*

'We have the element of surprise. They don't know we know. Just try and relax.' Sakura bit her nails nervously. This wasn't good at all. Why were they waiting? They've been keeping watch of the camp all night so what were they waiting for?

Seconds later Sakura saw Kira jump in sight stretching her arms over her head. "No one in sight, I think we're good. Anything new with Sasuke or Naruto?" Sakura stared at the ground a moment not sure what to do.

Play along. "Nothing yet, Sasuke's fever went down some but he's still shaking, and Naruto he hasn't moved since we brought him here." Sakura summarized. The sun slowly rose high in sky, the colors danced in the sky till it was left with a bright blue sky.

"One day down, four to go..." Kira sighed staring at the sun through the trees. A twig snapped startling Sakura, she ripped out her kunai, holding it toward her chest. Both girls looked over to see a little squirrel munching on a nut.

"What ae you up to, scaring me like that?" Sakura glared at the fuzzy creature. The squirrel shot forward almost setting off one of the traps the girls had set up earlier the night before. Kira squatted down beside Sakura staring off into the distance waiting for something else to happen.

She faintly could hear the group talking, but she didn't know what. "You need to eat something," Kira muttered looking away, walking back towards her pack. Grabbing a granola bar, she tossed it over toward the pink haired girl.

Sakura stared at the bar before grabbing it, she didn't take long to finish the food. She felt so much better after she ate that. Sakura was still confused about last night, were things okay between her and Kira? Or was Kira still mad at her?

Maybe they needed a bit to calm down and relax. Sakura didn't feel as mad as she did, but she didn't know how Kira might feel.

"Are we...are you..." She stared nervously. Sakura wasn't sure how to word the question. She didn't want to upset Kira again, but she wanted to know if they were okay. Kira didn't speak, she didn't try to answer. She just stared at the ground, her face was emotionless.

"You both have been up all night, guarding eh?" Kira and Sakura froze, glancing at one another before facing the three. They decided to make their move now?! "As of now, you're off duty. Just wake Sasuke for us." The spikey haired male called squatting on top of one of the rocks nearby.

The three stared at Sakura and Kira just waiting for the two of them to try anything. "The three of us want to take him on." The leader spoke up.

"Wh-What are you talking about?!" Sakura screamed, her hands shuddered as she tried to sneak her way to her kunai pouch.

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