Chapter 34: Finally Finding Lady Tsunade

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The next morning Naruto woke up early his hand trembling again. No matter how good of a healer Kira could be, it still hurt after a while. He walked softly out the room to use the bathroom trying not to wake up the two sleeping figures.

After relieving himself he caught sight Shu the cat tossing a water balloon around like a cat toy until it popped. Watching the cat pop the water balloon gave Naruto the idea himself on how to pop the balloon.

He rushed back inside the room with the cat tossing it on Kira's sleeping chest. His best friend shot up confused by the sudden burst of pain. "Ugh!" She moaned in pain. Eyes wide as she looked around the room then seeing the cute feline and looking around just as confused as she was. "Naru?" she moaned sleepily staring at the blond in the corner scratching at a balloon making it morph into different shapes.

"Watch this!" She stared at him sleepily wanting nothing more than a few more minutes of sleep when it happened. All wishes of sleep vanished from her system when she saw it pop. Naruto had mastered the first stage!

"Did you just..."

"Yeah! Pervy Sage wake up!" Naruto ran to the old man trying to wake him up but nothing was working. Naruto was quick to work, grabbing another water balloon while the old man made noises as if he was listening. He finally did wake up to the feeling cold water splash over his face and soak into his pillow.

"AGH!" Jiraiya yelled in surprise. When he saw clearly he saw the triumphant look in Naruto's eyes. The never ending smirk spread across his lips. He held his water soaked hand out dripping onto his face.

"First stage cleared."

Jiraiya grumbled at being woken up so rudely. Wiping his face free of water and asked to see him do the first stage Jutsu.

"Alright! Pay close attention!" Jiraiya and Kira watch as Naruto held out the water balloon summoning his chakra to swirl the water around. He used his left hand to start scratching at the rubber surface making different dents to appear before it popped.

Jiraiya slightly impressed started to doze off once again. After waking the old man up once again Naruto proceeded to explain to Jiraiya his thoughts on how the cat must have done it so he tried as well.

The group of three quickly tidied up the room before checking out and getting on the road again to the next village. Naruto's new objective was to break the rubber ball. Stage two would be more difficult what with him not being able to feel the water circulate inside the ball this time.

"What about you? Where you able to master the first of Fire Jutsu?" Jiraiya looked over at Kira nodding to her hands. He watched her walk to a tree and start to burn the kanji for love in the bark. Why love he didn't know but Naruto thought it looked familiar.

Jiraiya nodded glad she mastered it. She was focusing on something other than her element. "Good now produce a flame." She gave him a stare like she didn't know how. He chuckled and blew a small burst of fire from his lips. Her eyes widen in surprise. That was like Sasuke's!

"Try molding your chakra into your lungs and exhale. Since you mastered Ichi you should be able to..." He felt the heat from behind. She blew a small burst of fire when he wasn't looking. Right now she had a disgusted look on her face. Her tongue hanging out of her mouth and looking around till she grabbed Naruto's jacket and started to scrub her tongue on the material.

"Hey!" He yelled trying to pull away from her. Trying to contain his snickers, she always acted like a kid when there was a bad taste in her mouth. Once he got her to rub her tongue with dirt to get rid of the sour milk taste.

"That tasted like Charcoal!" she grumbled unable to get rid of the taste. The pain had subsided, she felt like she drank hot tea too quickly and burnt her taste buds off.

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