The Attack

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I don't own Naruto

The Next Day:

A few hours had passed when Kakashi woke the group. Early light flooded through the cracks of their tents. Naruto grumbled at the lack of sleep, half sleep walked out of his tent letting out a long yawn in the process.

Sakura and Tazuna looked mostly awake you could see the bags under their eyes that they were indeed still tired. Sasuke walked out with a smug look on his face. Kira glaring daggers at the raven haired boy. She was still pissed about last night.

How could he kiss her last night! She never once did anything to show that she was interested in the guy. He pissed her off acting all high and mighty then acting like he can get away with anything. Smug bastard. Acting like royalty.

Kira really wanted her first kiss to be with Naruto, he's pretty amazing. They did everything together it's not right that Sasuke can just steal something important from her and not get away with it.

Naruto walked over to his best friend linking his arm through hers giving her his sleepy smile.

"How'd you sleep?" He yawned resting his head on her shoulder.

"Sasuke kept kicking me in his sleep. What about you?"

"Kakashi snored the entire time."

The two shared a good laugh as they walked onward. Kakashi kept an eye on his group, he didn't miss the murderous look Sasuke was giving Naruto or the dejected look from Sakura. This wasn't good at all.

"Today I'm going to prove that I'm just as good as teme!" Naruto growled. Of course Naruto was jealous of Sasuke. He always had to be a show off, act all high and mighty, everyone thought he was great but not today.

'This is it! I'm not going to let him make me look bad again!' Naruto thought determined watching his surroundings diligently when something catches his attention.

"OVER THERE!" Naruto hollered, flinging his shuriken at a patch of bushes. Only nothing happened. "I, uh, guess it was only a mouse..." he said trying to play it off cool.

"WHAT MOUSE?! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? THERE WAS NOTHING THERE YOU MORON!!!" Sakura screamed contorting her face into some ugly monster lookalike.

"Please, please don't play around with your shuriken. They can be just a teensy bit dangerous!" Kakashi warned trying to sound calm but inside he was freaking out.

Kira frowned staring at Naruto confused. She didn't hear anything but then again we weren't overly checking to see what was behind every bush like Naruto was.

"Hey midget! Don't go scaring us! Stop messing with our heads!" Tazuna screamed looking almost as ugly as Sakura was.

"I think I might have seen someone." Naruto called not even bothered by the vocal abuse from his team. Maybe Naruto was onto something. Maybe something was out there. Watching us and we weren't paying close enough attention.

This time I actually heard the leaves rustle before Naruto attacked.

"This time! Over there!" He chucked his Shuriken into the bushes right before Sakura slamed her meaty hand across Naruto's head, the loud smack echoed through the forest before her shrieks started up again.


"Owww!" Naruto cried out clutching his head in pain. Fire engulfed Kira's eyes as she glared at the stupid pink haired girl.

"Will you knock it off!" Kira finally snapped arms crossed over her chest while Kakashi decided to take a closer look.

"I swear there was someone in there! After us!"

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