Chapter 33: Training with Guilt

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It would be a fools mission to go home now, Kira knew this but the guilt slowly started to eat her alive. Kakashi got hurt because of her and now Sasuke in this comatose state was like this because Itachi wanted to get to them.

She didn't know if if he was trying to protect her or if it was mostly his will to kill his brother that made him come. Perhaps it was both but she still felt guilty. She just stood there and didn't help. She couldn't even heal him properly.

Jiraiya, Naruto, and Kira all agreed that it would be best to leave the small little town and continue on their journey. The guilty feeling pushed her further into needing to find this woman. She could help Kakashi and Sasuke. If she wouldn't come back willingly she'd make her fix them. She'd make her help. Having the knowledge and skill to help those in need and not lifting a finger to help? It disgusted her.

Sasuke was slung on Guy's back, he still had some dried blood stained on his pale face. Just seeing him in this state made her upset. She could have done something, why hadn't she?

"Lord Jiraiya. Please do find and bring back Lady Tsunade." Guy spoke softly still probably grieving over Lee. He had his own needs for Lady Tsunade. If anyone could fix Lee she could.

"I promise we'll find her and bring her back right away! So take good care of Sasuke until then! Master Uber brows!" Jiraiya chuckled at Naruto's promise before placing his hand on Naruto's head and giving it a few pats.

"Guy-sensei! Please take care of Kakashi as well...i-if anything changes..." Guy nodded giving her an encouraging grin.

"Not to worry. If anything changes you will be my first call." she nodded she still felt bad but at least Guy-sensei would let her know if Kakashi woke up before she returned.

"Thank you sensei...and could you please water Mr. Ukki? Kashi has him labeled on his desk..." it was an odd request but Kakashi loves that plant, she figured he loved it more than her sometimes.

Guy snickered nodding his head in understanding.

"Well then, Guy. I'm leaving Sasuke in your hands." it was amazing that sparkles started to appear when Guy smiled.

"Nothing intrigues me more than guts, kid! Let me give you this!" He spoke enthusiastically by digging in his bag. Naruto grinned excitedly about to start jumping in place. "This helped Lee get stronger." Guy explained.

"Oh! What is it? What is it?"

"This!" It was a bright green jumpsuit, exactly the same as Lee's and Guy's. Naruto got so excited that Kira was having trouble containing her laughter. Jiraiya looked so annoyed right now at Naruto's behavior.

Squeaks and coughs were heard from Kira, her face getting bright red as she held her breath, biting her tongue the more Guy went on about the jumpsuit. "It's breathable, retains moisture, and offers complete freedom of movement all in one sweet package! If you wear it while you train, you'll notice the difference immediately! Soon, you'll start wanting to wear it all the time, just like Lee!! I've got a bit of a thing for it myself!"


It was getting harder and harder to contain her giggles. "I brought one for you too Kira!" She threw her hand to her mouth, biting her knuckle. Breathing was getting harder when he produced another suit! Oh my god this was getting too good.

Lee gave the two kids the training suits before walking off with Sasuke on his back, waving at the three as he left.

"Don't tell me you're planning to wear that thing?" Jiraiya groaned watching Guy leave.

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