The first night is always the worst

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Sakura sat repeatedly dabbing the sweat away from Sasuke's head. Anger and pain coursed through her system whenever she looked over Sasuke. How could Kira just ignore Sasuke like that? She didn't even bother to help.

Sakura remembered clearly what had happened. After shooting her kunai catching Naruto on the tree saving him from his fall, Kira just stood there looking him over. Disregarding everything around her just because he might have been hurt. Now Sasuke could be dying because she didn't even think to help him out.

She had run off to god knows where leaving Sakura to defend both unconscious boys, sure they set up some booby traps but if anyone tried to attack and managed to get past she'd be done for. But poor Sasuke, all Sakura could hear was his moans of pain. His ragged breathing. He could be dying and she didn't know what else to do to keep his temperature down.

A soft thud appeared behind her. Sakura clutched her kunai, her back ridged glancing behind her without moving ready to attack if need be. How could they get by without setting off one of her traps?! The figure grew closer practically standing right behind her.

Sakura clenched her eyes tightly forcing herself to be brave before shooting her arm back, slicing into the intruder's leg knocking them to the ground. Sakura heard the cry of pain from the intruder quickly opening her eyes to see that it wasn't an intruder. It was Kira.

Kira hissed on the ground clutching her leg to stop the bleeding, a nasty glare directed at the pinket. "What the hell!" she cried out hatefully. Blood staining her pale fingers. "I leave to get us some food for the night and you cut me!"

"Why'd you sneak up on me? For all I know you could have been an attacker!" she snapped in her defense. She wasn't as sorry as she should have been. She was still very upset with the gray haired girl.

Kira rolled her eyes annoyed looking away from her. "I was calling out to you but you weren't paying attention." Sakura huffed crossing her arms over her chest not believing the girl at all. If she had been calling out to her then she wouldn't have attacked.

"How're they doing?" Kira asked moving on toward her next concern. Pulling her hands away from her leg staring down at Naruto. Concern replacing her annoyance.

"Naruto hasn't moved since you left and Sasuke's fever is rising again." Sakura spoke softly staring at Sasuke sadly. Her heart ached for him, she wished he wasn't in this much pain, she wanted to make him feel better.

"I got some extra water," Kira called pulling her canteen off over her shoulder. She crawled over toward Sasuke's body looking him over. His body drenched in sweat but he looked even paler than before.

"Isn't there something you can do? You're supposed to be our healer." Sakura snapped clenching her fists, her worry and anger mixed together as she spoke.

Kira frowned staring down at the bite mark. It looked almost identical to Sasuke's Sharingan. She wasn't sure how Orochimaru did this, what he was up to, what he was planning when he did this? Was he trying to weaken our team? How were we going to pass with Sasuke in this state? It wasn't possible.

"We need to build a fire, he's shivering maybe if he sweats this out he'll feel better." Kira decided looking over their little cavern under the tree.

"Won't that give away our location?" Sakura reminded.

She was right. If they built a fire it would give away the location in the dead of night. Anyone a mile away could see the flames in the dark, and it's not like they could put up a blanket and seal in the fire, they could suffocate from the smoke and die.

What to do, what to do.

"Go in my backpack and pull out my blanket." Sakura did as asked opening the pack and pulling out a blanket. "It'll have to do." She muttered watching Sakura wrap Sasuke up like a cocoon. "That should help sweat the fever out of him. I'll go out a few yards away and build a small fire, we need to get to keep our strength up."

Sakura nodded staring at Sasuke.

"Why didn't you help him?" Kira froze from her spot staring at Sakura confused. "Why didn't you help Sasuke." She demanded glaring hatefully at Kira. "Why do you always protect Naruto! Sasuke needed your help and you just cared about Naruto." She snapped no way could she stop now. Tears started to fall as she lived through the memory over and over again.

"Sasuke needed you. And you didn't do anything. We wouldn't be in this mess if you hadn't have ignored us!"

"Knock it off Sakura. I didn't see you do anything. All you did back there was sit and scream. You didn't try to get up and help." Kira snapped fists clenched so tight she could feel the nails dig into her skin. "You didn't help Naruto when he was fighting Orochimaru. And Sasuke, Sasuke didn't even bother to help Naruto. Naruto could have died and he wouldn't have done anything." Kira snapped her rage finally spilling over. She was going to ignore it till the end of the test to let it out but she couldn't hold it back anymore.

"That's not true!" Sakura defended him again! She always defends Sasuke, he does no wrong. "He's your friend and you would have let him die. Sasuke would have protected Naruto but..."

"But what? He was too chicken shit scared to even try to help. I don't know what you were watching but I saw my so called friend sit back and ignore the scene where Orochimaru practically shoved his hand into Naruto's stomach and then toss him aside like he was a piece of trash!" Pain trickled through her veins, her eyes stung, the same feeling of fire returned to her, it felt like a fire was burning its way toward her heart.

Sakura watched fearfully as she saw her friend's eyes start to glow. Sakura wasn't sure how but she just felt a horrible feeling sink in her gut watching her act this way, like something terrible would happen very soon.

A few tears slipped down Kira's face, she stared at the pink haired girl hatefully. "You'll never get it will you? You'll never understand why I'll always choose Naruto over Sasuke. Naruto is my best friend. He's practically my brother. If anything ever happened to him I'd lose it completely. I know Sasuke would never have my back in a fight. Naruto always will. And after that little stunt he pulled earlier I can't trust him. Or you for the matter." She snapped turning away. "I'll protect him till he wakes up but after that he's on his own." She growled stalking away.

Sakura sat staring after her confused.

What just happened? Why did Kira look like the victim when it was clearly Sasuke. Sakura thought staring off into the direction she had left. Okay yes. Kira and Naruto had been best friends for as long as she could remember and yes Kira had a crush on Naruto but she just said that he was practically her brother. Why would someone have a crush on their brother?

It didn't make sense to her. From what she remembered she didn't have a hard life like Naruto did. She didn't have parents but Kakashi sensei raised her. She wasn't bullied like Naruto was. She had a normal life. Sakura didn't understand why Kira felt the way she did.

Off the to the side a few feet away the group of three watched the two's exchange. "Wouldn't it just be easy to attack now? They're already at each other's throats we might as well have a little fun with it." Zaku chuckled at all the fun ideas racing through his mind.

"No. We have our orders. We'll wait until sunrise." Dosu ordered his group. He saw how antsy both Zaku and Kin were feeling. But orders are orders and if they disobeyed Lord Orochimaru's plans then they would be in so much trouble. Given Sasuke's state it must be that Lord Orochimaru had indeed given Sasuke the curse mark. He wasn't sure if the boy would survive the night everyone who had received the mark would die in the end. It was always rare for the person to survive. Then again there were the few who did survive.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, my mom had major surgery on her heart. I was super stressed the past few days so I haven't felt the urge to write. I'll try to post more later but no promises. 

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