Chapter 47: He's Back!!!

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"Can you do that?" Kira's words echoed in Naruto's ears she wanted him to be strong, she wanted him to be strong for her. "Can you please do that for me?" Fat tears fell down his best friends face as she shook. She was shaking trying to keep her voice steady and calm.

"Yeah..." Naruto sniffed opening his arms and pulling her into a hug. She clung to Naruto taking deep breaths as she tried to calm herself down. "We'll kill those bastards. Every last one of them." Naruto muttered into her short gray hair.

Lady Chiyo having been moved by the two teens words leaned forward resting her hands on Gaara's chest a green glow emitted from her fingers. Sakura's features turned to surprise watching the woman she grew to care for actually going through with the jutsu. "Granny Chiyo...that jutsu..." the old woman just turned aside and grinned before looking back to Gaara.

"Whats she doing?" Naruto called confused staring at the woman. Kira pulled away staring at Lady Chiyo confused it's not like she could heal Gaara, he was dead. Nothing was going to bring him back, there was no point. "What're you doing?!" Naruto yelled having to be restained by Kira.

"Stop it Naru," she ran her sleeve across her face.

"She's going to bring Gaara back."

Kira sat stunned staring at the old woman. Was that even possible? Bringing Gaara back from the dead? "Bring back to life?" Kira stared down at Gaara's peaceful face, the idea of bringing Gaara back would be amazing. "Can she really do that?"

"Is that really possible?"

Sakura looked to the ground depressed "Only Granny Chiyo can perform this jutsu..." Kira couldn't believe what she was seeing, was it really possible? Was Gaara going to come back? Would it still be the same Gaara?

Lady Chiyo cringed and the green glow started to disappear. "No..." she whispered horrified "Not enough chakra." Her head bowed in shame.

"Lady Chiyo please use some of mine." Kira called softly reaching forward to rest her hand overtop her own. She looked up at stared at the girl, she was completely serious and had a soft grin on her face. "I'm not sure what your doing, and I don't know if it will entirely work but I'm willing to do anything for Gaara."

Naruto placed his hand on Kira's looking at Lady Chiyo as well. "You can use mine as well, is it possible?" The old woman nodded looking at both kids instructing them to place a hand on one of hers. There was a loud crackle and the green glow emitted was brighter and stronger than before.


Kira heard Sakura's saddened voice echo through her head. 'Sakura...what is this Jutsu?'

Sakura took only a few moments with an answer, Kira could hear her soft sniffles in the background. "She's exchanging her life for Gaara's."

Kira's body went stiff staring at the older woman shocked. "Are you sure about this Granny Chiyo?" Sweat was pooling down the womans face and she already didn't look the best. Naruto stared at his best friend confused, didn't she want Gaara back.

Lady Chiyo cracked a grin keeping her eyes trained down on Gaara. "In this shinobi world created by frivolous old people I'm glad new souls like you have come along. Up until now everything I've done has been wrong...but at the very end I think I might finally be able to do something right. Suna and Konoha. May their future be something different from our time."

She was giving her last words and only a few knew about it. "Naruto, this special power of yours Kakashi spoke of it, that power will change the future dramatically...become a Hokage the like of which has never been seen." Naruto smiled to himself nodding to her words. "Kira, Gaara is lucky to have you in his life. Treasure your love for one another and continue to fight for those you care for. Kakashi did a fine job in raising you, you are lucky to have a father like him." Kira smiled softly looking down at Gaara. She didn't bother to correct the woman in her thinking. Lots of people thought Kakashi was father even though they made it obvious that they were siblings. But who was she to argue with this woman when she was giving up her life to bring Gaara back.

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