Chapter 35: He Will Be Hokage

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The scene sets out showing the village of Konoha. Many villagers were walking around chatting amongst themselves. It looked like just an average day for anyone who lived there happy people laughing and excited for some sort of festival.

The Kite Fighting Festival!

There were many stands selling all sorts of kites as well as many food stands with a variety of different kinds of street foods. Kira was walking around enjoying the warm weather, watching random kids run around with their own fights. She was supposed to meet Naruto around here.

She found a fried squid vender and bought one medium sized squids, she didn't know how hungry Naruto might be so she went for one size up. Then went to a Takoyaki stand and grabbed a small order. She only had a little bit of money left but figured this would be enough for the two of them.

Sasuke caught sight of the pretty young girl clutching onto his older brother's hand. They were about to meet up with their parents to see the Kite Fights together. A large blush made its way to his face staring at her. Itachi was quick to take notice of his brother's stare.

"So thats her." Of course Itachi knew all too well how his younger brother felt for the girl. He talked about her to him whenever he got a chance to.

"She's so pretty, and talented. She's one of the best in my class." The two watched her run over to a bench a few feet away. Her black backpack bouncing as she ran, her gray hair in a loose braid swung back and forth on the side of her face. She looked so giddy.

"Why does she have her backpack on?" Itachi questioned already knowing the answer. Sasuke had told him before. He just liked the way Sasuke spoke about her, it reminded Itachi of when he first met his Izumi.

Sasuke grinned loving the idea to talk about Kira. "She always has that on. My classmates think she sleeps in it. But she has everything in there. Notes, weapons, snacks. Anything Kira and Naruto might need." He grumbled Naruto's name as he sent the blond haired boy a glare. He was walking down the road looking around trying to find her.

Itachi pulled his younger brother to a small shop to look over the items they were selling so that no one would question why they were watching the two children.

"Naru!" Kira squealed in her high voice. Naruto made it to her side quickly sitting beside her and taking the friend squid she extended. Naruto let out a excited thanks and took a large bite, enjoying the flavor. Sasuke grumbled wishing Kira would share her food with him.

"Come on. Lets meet Mother and Father. They're expecting us." Itachi instructed tugging his brother along again. Sasuke didn't want to join his parents but followed Itachi knowing he would be right. Father hated lateness. Sasuke cast one more glance over at Kira before walking off.

"Where's Kakashi?" Naruto asked looking around the village to hopefully see the older male.

"Kashi's on a mission. I'm sure he'll be back soon!" Naruto nodded taking another bite of his squid. "We better hurry, the fights will start soon!" She ushered finishing her Takoyaki and running over towards one of the many trash cans throughout the village and chucking her trash.

Naruto picked up the black backpack off the ground throwing it on his shoulders and chased after his best friend through the village. The two giggled over who would win the race. Naruto and Kira paused when the reached the center. "Here ya go!" Naruto took the backpack off his shoulders and extended his small arm to his best friend.

"Thanks Naru!" She grinned leaning over and placing a kiss on his cheek. Naruto's cheeks flushed but never lost his grin. The walk hand in hand to get a better look. There were so many kites in the sky, dancing with the fluffy white clouds.

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