Chapter 32: Itachi?

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Naruto hadn't been walking five minutes before Naruto started pestering the old man about the amazing jutsu he'd learn. "So hey! Hey! Pervy Sage! So what kind of amazing jutsu are you going to teach me this time?!"

Naruto was just bubbling with excitement. "Are you going to teach the both of us? Kira we're going to learn that awesome jutsu!" Naruto jumping up and down grinning like a fool, but he looked so cute doing it.

'Pervy sage this Pervy sage that...'  Jiraiya grumbled clearly annoyed at being called pervy sage. The travelers they passed briefly glanced their way before going back to their own thoughts. Honestly it looked like an old man taking a trip with his two grandkids. "Hey, you really don't know how distinguished I am, do you?"

"Not really, from what I've seen and what Naruto's told me you're just a pervert old man who knows a few good jutsu's." Kira replied shifting her backpack to the side to pull out her own book to read.

"Listen up." Both Naruto and Kira glanced up at the old man staring at him as he did all these new movements and flipping his long white hair around while trying to act cool. "The Toad Sage is just an alias! But no more disguises! North, South, West, East! I am the master, the white haired prodigal son, one of the three Great Shinobi! A ladies man that can hush even a crying child! 'Lord Jiraiya,' Thats me!"

The two stared up at him like he was crazy before walking away. Jiraiya pouted 'How can they not think I'm cool? Stupid brats.' He hmphed walking beside the two.

"Hey! Hey! So the fact that such an impressive pervy sage asked me to be his companion means something right?" Naruto grinned staring up at the old man.

"I told you my name is Jiraiya. Sheesh."

"It means I've got some incredible talent hidden inside me, right? Right?" Jiraiya gave Naruto a look that was almost unreadable. 'You have no idea kid.' Jiraiya's voice flooded through her mind. He knew. He knew about Naruto's fox. She glanced back at Naruto. He didn't seem to notice the tension slowly building. "Hey! Hey! So why did you chose me? Maybe cuz you have to get as good as me in order to be initiated into sage level super jutsu." Naruto started to giggle nonstop with his eager excitement.

Jiraiya paused in his walk, Naruto staring up at him intently when he started to speak. "You know, a long time ago the Fourth was my student. And you see, it's almost funny how much you kind of remind me of him. Well I suppose that's why."

Naruto's eyes widen letting his words sink in. He reminded the old man of the fourth hokage? A large grin spread over his face as he just radiated joy. "Whats his problem?" Jiraiya muttered unsure of Naruto's weird behavior.

"Everyone knows it's Naruto's dream to become the next Hokage. When you told him he reminded you of the Fourth his hopes grew."


After Kakashi just up and disappeared Sasuke made his way to Kira and Kakashi's house, Kakashi invited him out for a reason. But walking inside the shared home he couldn't help looking around the medium sized home. He strolled through the living room catching a few books lying around by the couch.

Of the few pictures that hung on the walls they were of Kakashi and Kira, Kira and Naruto, a younger Kakashi with the Fourth and two other kids he didn't recognize, and finally one of Team Seven. That was a good day.

He felt the small smile beginning to form. Down the hall was the bedrooms, maybe he could walk in on Kira alone in her room. If she asked what he was doing he could say he was looking for Kakashi's. Any chance he saw her was a good one. She wasn't there though. There were a few article of clothing thrown about but still looked decently clean.

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