Holy Smoke Sasuke!

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"Sasuke, your body?" Sakura called surprised. Was this really him? Was this because of Orochimaru? She needed answers and she needed them now.

Sasuke glared at his hand, looking at the black marking wrap around his fingers. He felt furious. His beautiful Kira was hurt, and he couldn't protect her. she could have died, and he laid there sick. What kind of husband would do that?

Kira's eyes widen in surprise she didn't like how he looked, he was starting to scare her. What was he thinking? Those marking wrapping around his body like tattoos. "Sasuke." He looked away from his hand staring down at her. Kira felt a shiver of dread run down her spine. Just that look terrified her.

"You shouldn't..."

"Nothing to worry about. I feel fine. Strong bursting with power." He growled hatefully glaring at Zaku and Dosu. Kira shifted so that she could try and stop him, he couldn't fight them, no, he was still recovering! There was no way he could be perfectly fine again. He just had a forty degree temp. He needed to rest!

"Don't move. This won't take long." He patted her head softly "I understand now. I am an avenger, on the path I walk, I have to do whatever it takes to gain power even if it means selling my flesh to the devil."

Sell his flesh to the devil? He can't mean that thing Orochimaru was talking about before he ran off? Why would Sasuke run off to him? I just didn't make any sense.

"So..." Kira, Sakura, and Ino gulped at the look Sasuke was giving Zaku. "It was you." He growled hatefully. He'd make this bastard pay for hurting her.

Zaku gave his own little growl accepting the challenge. Too blind by his own arrogance to realize he was dead meat. "Ino! If you stay in that form, you'll be dragged into this! Get back into your own body!" Shikamaru shrieked hoisting Ino's up and dashing away from the incoming cross fire. "Choji, lets get moving! It's time we got out of here!"

Ino quickly returned to her body, everyone watched as the black marking quickly spread across his entire face the angrier, he got. Sasuke's chakra levels were inanely strong. There was no way he was just sick a few minutes ago. It just couldn't be the same guy. It's not possible!

"His chakra's immense!" Dosu stuttered staring wide eye at Sasuke surprised.

"Snap out of it, Dosu! Just because he refuses to die..." Zaku smirked getting ready for his latest attack. Stupid Zaku not realizing that he really shouldn't mess with Sasuke.

"Zaku no! Don't you get it?!" Dosu screamed watching Zaku shoot his arms out and scream 'Supersonic air -slice!'

Large powerful gusts of wind shot towards team seven. The wind broke through chunks of trees, ripping out chunks in the dirt ground. That blast would have killed Sakura and Kira if it hadn't been for Sasuke. Sasuke was so quick, he had saved his entire team from the blast. Throwing Sakura and Naruto over his shoulders he was able to lift Kira in his arms bridal style. It was incredible Sakura and Kira had never seen him move this fast before.

"Ha! Blew that pipsqueak to bits." Zaku laughed huffing as sweat dripped down his face.

"What pipsqueak is that?" Sasuke called appearing beside Zaku, wiping that confident look off his face. Quick as lightning, Sasuke's hand had shot over smacking him back a few feet by the sheer force of his strength.

Kira and Sakura sat on their knees watching amazed as Sasuke preformed his fireball ninjutsu erupting in a large ball of fire toward Zaku and Dosu.

"You're getting over confident! I can just blow these out!" Zaku screamed before seeing the shurikens flying within the flames. Making for the perfect distraction for Sasuke to swipe Zaku off his feet to his knees. Sasuke was quick to grasp both his arms and place a foot on his back immobilizing Zaku where he sat.

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