Chapter 38: Choji's Sacrifice

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Shikamaru had everyone squat down to make up a game plan. "Kiba make sure you time the smoke bomb accurately. Its imperative."


"Alright lets split into two groups." Naruto, Choji, and Kiba shot off in a different direction while Kira crouched down low in the bushes with Shikamaru and Neji. Though when she looked through the bushes she saw her enemy. Four of them. But there was no Sasuke.

"Where's Sasuke?" Shikamaru sounded startled.

Neji taking a closer look could see inside the container. "My guess is he's probably inside that coffin." Kira's heart rate picked up incredibly. Was Sasuke dead? No. He couldn't be, he was Sasuke!

"Is he dead?!"

"The coffin is sealed with barrier ninjutsu, it's hard to see through. I say anyone who wanted Sasuke that bad wouldn't kill him so abruptly." Neji's smart words were true, it sounded like he was right but still the idea that Sasuke could be dead made Kira nervous.

"True enough..." Just then one of the enemies shot a kunai into a tree Neji, Kira, and Shikamaru were crouching close enough too. Paper bombs! The three quickly jumped out of the way, but it didn't protect them from the blast. The blast sent them flying in the air till they were practically in front of the group now.

"Well, well. The things you find in the underbrush. I was expecting a snake. Turns out it was just a couple of bugs." one of the four scoffed staring down at the three of them.

Shikamaru was quick to get up holding his hands up in surrender as he spoke. "Now just wait! Hang on a sec!" He called trying to sound peaceful. "We didn't come to fight! We're here to negotiate."

The man with four arms laughed at Shikamaru's words. "Then what's your explanation for this?!" Naruto, Choji, and Kiba shot out away from the oncoming explosion, Kiba throwing his smoke bomb clouding the enemies sight for just a moment. "Hehehe, what do you intend with that smoke bomb? Whatever you do there's no escape from me."

The smoke started to clear and the group was able to see this webbing of sorts around the four armed man's fingers. "Thinner than hair, stronger than wire, my threads are practically invisible. And they're cobwebbed all over this place."

Damn it.

"That two wire was triple wired?" Shikamaru gasped "Gee whiz...heh...never expected to face talent like yours." The four armed man chuckled to himself.

"I'll take care of you fools" It took him a moment to realize he couldn't move his body...none of them could. "W, what? My body?"

Kira glanced at her team looking them over, they looked fine. Few bumps and scrapes but no major injuries yet. Shikamaru smirked glad his Shadow Possession Jutsu worked in his favor. "You know, I've got a few talents myself. Though I admit you made it easy for me. I must thank you."

The silver haired girl frowned as she spoke up. "THe thing is, I also have a power like this." Somehow, the group wasn't sure how. The silver haired girl was able to release herself from Shikamaru's jutsu. She slammed her hand to the ground and broke the ground to pieces knocking the group of six off balance. Shikamaru's concentration broken released rest of the enemies.

The rock rumbled surrounding the group in a dome. Trapping them inside the earth.

Naruto and Kiba were the ones to attack the wall in a way to dig them out, but whatever damage was dealt to the walls, the walls just grew back and kept them trapped. "Get us out!" Naruto screamed. The three were getting away with Sasuke!

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