The Second Battle part 2:

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Just a fair warning, this chapter is very long. one of the longest I've written since I started. also I fucked up my wrist pretty badly and won't know whats wrong with it till the 24th. i'll try to update when I can but no promises. 

Naruto and Kira shot off into the forest jumping from branch to branch. They had to hurry who knows what was happening with Kakashi and Tazuna.

"What happened back there?" Naruto called glancing over at his best friend.

"I-I'm not entirely sure..." she whispered to herself those glowing red eyes the sticky blood felt cold against her skin. She looked like she was murdered. Oh god what was Kakashi going to think?! Her breath hitched thinking of the disappointed look he would give her.

A fight could be seen a few feet away, Kakashi and Zabuza. So he was alive. "Kira throw me!" Naruto yelled. "Got it!" Quickly Naruto transformed into throwing stars. Kira shot her arm out throwing Naruto toward the fight.

"Uzumaki Naruto at your service!" Naruto shouted transformed back to himself. Kira landed beside Sakura and Tazuna. "Here I am, to save the day. You know how the story goes. Things look bleak till the hero arrives, and then pow!!! Bye bye bad guys!"

Kakashi, Zabuza, Sakura, Tazuna, and Sasuke looked over at the two. Kakashi's eye widens staring at his younger sister. 'Oh no.'


"Heh," Zabuza shot many ninja stars directed at Naruto. The Nin from before blocked them surprising everyone when the ice needles blocked the stars path.

"Haku, what are you doing?" Zabuza's gruff voice called across the clearing.

"Zabuza sir, please let me have this boy. I want to fight him in my own way," Haku called softly practically begging his master to fight Naruto.

"So you want me to keep my hands off him, eh, Haku? How charmingly naïve of you as usual." Kira rushed forward to Sasuke's side. "Don't!" Sasuke yelled but it was too late, she was crouching down beside Sasuke, never taking her eyes off Haku. The cool water like feeling ran through her fingers working her way to her fingers.

Sasuke stared at her shocked. She didn't even stop to think of the danger, she rushed to his side. Sasuke felt his heart flutter in his chest, her hands holding his face, her cool fingers felt like magic on his skin. He wished she was touching him under different circumstances.

"Why are you covered in blood?" Sasuke asked softly, she could hear the pain in his voice, but there was also concern.

"I'll explain later." She muttered watching as his wounds started to close.

"Yo Sasuke! I'm here to rescue you!" Naruto yelled crouching down to Sasuke's level.

"You doofus! No stealth, no caution, and you call yourself a ninja?! Now that you've both gotten yourselves trapped in here with me, just do what you want. I don't really care." Sasuke yelled glaring at Naruto. Sasuke screamed, glaring up at both Kira and Naruto. He didn't want to scream at her, but she was being an idiot! She was being reckless! She could get herself killed. She already looked half dead, the dark red blood made her already pale skin look even paler. Sickly even.

The ice mirrors started to reform locking the three of them inside. "Over here."

Sasuke shot up feeling much better than before, giving Kira a nod of appreciation.

"What the hell is going on!?" Kira looked around her surprised what was happening? Water was dribbling down the mirror's They might be made of ice, the mirrors might die down with some fire, it's a long shot but Sasuke was ready to try anything. "Blaze of Glory!" He yelled shooting a ball of fire at the mirrors. The fire stood everywhere but it never made a dent.

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