Chapter 49: On the Road To Sasuke

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As soon as the group made it Konoha, Guy and Kira got Kakashi to the hospital. He was admitted right away and taken to his own room with a view of the city. Kira let out a quick 'Thanks Guy' and rushed after the nurses.

Thats where Naruto found her three hours later. He appeared outside the window of Kakashi's room he caught her reading one of her books she always had in her backpack. Sliding the window open he hopped inside and moved to a chair by his best friend.

"So according to Granny Tsunade we have to find two new replacing members of team Kakashi for our Sasuke mission. How is Kakashi doing?" He looked over his instructor sleeping soundly.

Kira snuggled up close to Naruto looking over at her brother "Well according to Dr. Yamamoto he's gonna be out of commission for the next few weeks. He might be better by the time we get back from rescuing want to kick his ass for running off."

Naruto snickered nodding his head in agreement. "Don't worry, we'll kick his ass and make him regret ever running away in the first place. How're you doing by the way? I know you didn't want to leave Gaara."

She let out a sad sigh clutching tighter to his arm. "I'm upset sure but Gaara knows we need to save him, we'll just end up seeing each other later for the holidays, I already got the okay from Lady Tsunade." Naruto nodded grinning like the little devil he is.

"Well at least you can look forward to that. Gaara's lucky to have you." She nodded still missing how soft his touch was. "Really Kira. I've never seen him so happy." Kira giggled again squeezing his hand "I've also never seen you this happy over a guy."

"Yeah...He makes me really happy Naru. I'm so happy he's back."

"Me too Kira, me too."

They sat in silence, stuck in their own thoughts, watching over their former instructor and big brother (adopted for one of the two). "Want to grab some food? I'm sure you miss Cafeteria food." Naruto scrunched his nose in disgust at the thought of eating the muck he had enough of it the last time he was here. "No thanks."

Snickering to herself Kira pulled herself out of the shared chair walking over to Kakashi's bed and placing a kiss on his head. "I'll be back in a little bit Kashi, heal faster so we can go home okay?" Kakashi mumbled something under the covers but otherwise was still asleep. Turning back to her friend she grinned extending her left hand. "Come on, let's go find the replacing two for team Kakashi."

Naruto grinned reaching forward and grabbing her hand tightly, he was glad she was here with him. He didn't think they would have been able to find another member for Team Kakashi without her.

The two made it outside instantly Kira felt the warm sun soak into her skin making her grin. The fresh air was started to help her nerves. They decided to wander searching for a spot to eat and recruit on the way. Naruto kept mumbling to himself about who could be the best replacement for the two vacant spots. They didn't need a healer, they had two now. So someone who was good at long distance fighting would be good as well as another up close fighter.

"Long time no see, Naruto." Shino's voice echoed through her ears causing the girl to look up and smile at her friend. "Glad to see your mission was a success Kira." Shino called referring to her mission before she left to save Gaara.

Grinning at the boy she let out a small laugh "It was pretty easy, he only needed a few hits and he was done for. Strange how that was a B mission, more like a D."

Naruto stared at Kira confused, who was she talking to? "It was also a success," Naruto glanced between the two again. He had absolutely no idea who this guy was, yet somehow this guy knew him. "Do I know you?"

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