She Chose Gaara

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"Don't let Sasuke bring you down, it's almost the New Year. You should enjoy yourself and deal with everything tomorrow."

Gaara was right. She worked real hard helping Naruto plan and decorate for this party and she'd be damned if she let Sasuke get the better of her. She nodded. Forcing herself to forget about Sasuke's drama and bullcrap. If he wanted to throw a pity party so what, she wouldn't care, not now anyways.

"Lets get another drink." she grabbed his hand dragging him over to the drink stand, Gaara let her drag him a smile on his lips. He's been enjoying the night, he hated how Sasuke upset her so easily. But he'd make sure she had a great rest of the night. After all, she was the first girl to be kind to him in a very long time.

Gaara hated field trips. His partner was a pain and wouldn't stop crying. It was getting on his last nerve, what was the point of this trip anyway? The aquarium was boring. All fish do is swim and thats it. There was nothing interesting about being here.

"Come on Naru! Lets check out those fish!" he rolled his eyes yet again. The amount of times he's rolled his eyes today they should have fallen out. A gray haired girl ran over near Gaara dragging her blonde haired friend. He watched her point at the fishes.

"Look how cool!"

"It's just a fish Kira."

"But they're pretty!" The blonde laughed at his friend looking up at the fish around them. Gaara glared at his partner again. "Hey why're you crying?" Kira asked his partner.

The brown haired male looked up at her confused. "Who wouldn't cry! He's mean!" He yelled pointing towards Gaara. He watched her look him over and shrug her shoulders.

"Did he do anything to you?" The brown haired boy shook looking at the ground.

"W-well no... not yet."

"Then quit crying." Naruto called crossing his arms over his chest. Kira gave the red head a smile showing off a few missing teeth.

"But he's insane! He'll, he hates puppies!" Kira raised her eyebrow staring at the boy like he was crazy, no one hates dogs. And if they do they have a good reason for it.

"I don't think so." Gaara stared at her offered hand, she looked so inviting. He didn't know if it was a trick or not. Besides she doesn't even know him. For all she knew he did hate puppies...but he really did like puppies.

"How do you know!" The kid yelled starting to cause a scene. Naruto started to giggle to himself this was getting fun.

"Because everyone likes puppies, stop making him out to be the bad guy because you don't have all the facts." She snapped, glaring at the boy. The boy huffed and stormed away. Kira felt her shoulders relax.


"Cause he's being a whiny cry baby. Want to join our group?" Gaara stared at the girl offering her hand towards him. A goofy grin on her face. She didn't even know him and she defended him. Hesitantly he reached out grabbing her hand.

"My names Kira, and this is my best friend Naruto!" She introduced herself.


"Come on lets look at the fish!" Gaara let himself be pulled away by the energetic girl, she was nice to him and didn't think he was scary.

It was strange that they were able to get away with that. It was crazy how that happened, Gaara still couldn't believe that happened to him. She even asked for his home number at the end of the day before he went back to his own school.

That never happens.

He gave her the home number not expecting a call, he was still nervous that it was a trick to make him have other feelings but she called him!

"What do you think? Those two gonna hook up tonight?" Kira motioned over to his sister and Shikamaru. He thought it over.

"Probably not."

"I don't know, Temari's been flirting with Shikamaru all night." Kira sang leaning closer to the red head.

"Temari isn't interested in your weird friends." Gaara joked a smirk on his handsome face.

Kira let out a gasp of surprise, faking her hurt look. "I'm hurt you would call my friends weird!" Though it was true. All her friends were weird. Plus Gaara knew she was joking.

"You're right. Your friends aren't weird. You are." Kira choked on her drink she wasn't expecting that answer, coughing a bit. Gaara stared at her like he did something wrong, he relaxed when Kira started laughing.

"R-Rude!" she smacked his shoulder unable to contain her giggles.

She was was bubbly and cute, he loved how her eyes crinkled when she laughed, he loved listening to her talk, her voice was so smooth, he once listened to her talk about a dog she found on the side of the street, brought him home, and hid him in her room for a week before her brother found out. She really wanted that dog.

He loved her telling him stories, she always came up with some amusing thing that happened between her and Naruto. At first he was jealous of the blonde, of course who wouldn't be. A gorgeous woman that you're interested in is always hanging out with her dopey male best friend? He always thought they were going to start dating, he went a little crazy when he found out Naruto lived with Kira for a while.

But all they've ever been was friends.

Gaara was nervous as the clock ticked down. Kira clutched onto his hand as she chanted with everyone else.










"One! Happy New Year!" Gaara watched as everyone cheered and leaned on their respective others for a kiss. He was surprised when he felt his face being pulling in another direction, lips landed on his in a soft tender kiss.

Gray hair.

He stared at the blushing girl in front of him. Kira just kissed him. She kissed him! A smile made its way to his face, the girl he's fancied for so long kissed him. He leaned down placing another kiss on her lips. She didn't mind at all, wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

It was incredible, her lips tasted of cinnamon, most likely from her drink, he swore he saw sparks. Her fingers ran their way through his hair tangling in his messy locks.

He still couldn't believe this was happening. Gaara finally got the girl! She was perfect.

"Happy New Year Gaara," her soft voice filled his ears.

"Happy New Year," he started to drag her away in a different direction so that they could have a bit more privacy.

GAARA AND KIRA! And i know that last line sounded pervy but guys chill! They aint doing anything too bad. Hope you liked this one, I had trouble thinking up the first meeting but still it was fun!

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