She Chose Sasuke

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Stupid Sasuke. How dare he make her feel like crap, she worked too damn hard on making this party a great one and he just has to up and kill her good mood. So what if Itachi was helping her study? Whats so wrong with wanting a better education!

He's always busy and always off doing something with his girl of the week. He probably off screwing some poor girl. What right does he have to be mad at her.

"I told you something like this might happen," Itachi called gaining her attention.

"Your brother's an idiot." Itachi nodded inviting her over.

"You dont have to tell me. The idiot thinks we're lovers." Kira couldn't help snorting at that. Everyone knew Itachi was gay, She even met his boyfriend a few times. Kisame was over at the food table getting a plate for them to share. "Were you looking for him?"

"Not at first, now I just want to hit him." Itachi chuckled to himself.

"I believe he's on the roof." Kira nodded dashing up the stairs grabbing her coat off Naruto's bed and out his window and onto the roof. Naruto had a weird roof where you could easily escape if need be. She wobbled a bit forcing herself to climb higher and higher. She could see him that stupid punk.

"Hey!" Sasuke looked up surprised, worry in his eyes. "What are you doing up here?"

"I could ask you the same thing!" He gripped onto her wrist when she got close, he kept seeing her fall over and off the roof. Holding her put those thoughts away.

"I came looking for you dumb ass. Why'd you get all pissy with me earlier?" She asked looking over Sasuke's little hang out, he was on a patch of roof that was flat enough to fit two people. Kira shifted her body close to his, it was freezing out here.

"You invited my brother here. Why else would I be mad?" He hissed annoyed. How could she invite Itachi of all people!

"I was hoping you and him could get along hes family after all."

"He stopped being my family when he left." Sasuke snapped. He'd never forgive Itachi for leaving him alone with that man. Sasuke grumbled throwing his arm around her shoulder bringing her smaller body closer to his. He did enjoy the squeak of surprise.

"I can't understand why you two dont get along unless you tell me." Sasuke scoffed looking away, if he wasn't mad he'd be in heaven right now. The woman of his dreams was sitting curled up next to him. They were so close.

"Come on duck butt, help me out here." She begged, Sasuke could feel her head shift up so that she was staring up at him. If he wanted to and he really did he could move quick enough to capture those lips of hers. "Would it make you feel better if I let you know why I invited him?"

Sasuke nodded bringing her closer to him. The faint smell of coconut filled his nose, she smelled too good.

"Okay, well I've been having trouble with Calculous and my professor assigned him to me. We've been studying for the past few months."

"Why didn't you ask me for help then? I've taken Calculous." Sasuke hissed jealous that he could have had so much time alone with Kira.

"Because you're always working and busy with your dates." he shut up, was she jealous that he went out on dates? "So Itachi and I have been study partners, he's helped me with my grade and he told me some things."

"What kind of things?"

She stared at the annoyed look in his charcoal eyes, he was curious what Itachi would say to him. "How after your mom died...your dad..."

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