Getting to Know Gaara

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Two days have already passed and Kira still couldn't get those chilling seafoam green eyes out of her head, his voice, his look, that smirk of his. She still got the shivers just thinking of him. Sasuke was still mad at her for some reason, it's not like she did anything wrong, she couldn't understand what was up with him.

"Is your brother late to everything?!" Sakura complained annoyed, slumping her shoulders. One of the veins in her head was starting to pop.

"Yeah, it's why I always bring a snack or a book." Sakura watched Kira pull out a few oranges out, peeling away the skin.

"Sheesh." She moaned reaching out and taking half the orange form the girl. Already popping a few slices of fruit in her mouth. She was so thankful that she brought the snacks. By the time Kakashi usually get here they're always starving.

Kira extended her hand to Sasuke, offering him some of the fruit as well. He looked away from her still angry from yesterday but took the fruit. Naruto quickly munched his down in a matter of seconds.

"Okay, look! Are we going to just sit around and let them get away with this? Whenever we get called out, we end up waiting like dopes for the challenger to show." Sakura growled annoyed clenching her fists at her sides.

"She's right! Say it, Sakura!" Naruto cheered, being a very supportive friend.

"I mean, think how I feel. I overslept and didn't even get to blow dry my hair!" Sakura whined, you could see she hadn't blow-dried her hair only because a few pieces of pink hair was sticking out in various directions.

"Yeah! It's not right. I overslept too, and I didn't even pause to wash my face of brush my teeth!" Naruto exclaimed happily though that just gave him a gross look from Sakura.

Sasuke looked annoyed, glaring at the ground. Everyone knew he wasn't a morning person. Sasuke slid to the ground holding his head with one hand already feeling a headache forming.

"Need some medicine?" Kira asks cocking her head to the side staring at the boy. Sasuke quickly looked away.

'Yes I'd love for you to take care of me but I'm still mad at you. How dare she fraternize with the enemy! He's not even that special. Why was she blushing so much over that creep anyway. She should be blushing over me.' Sasuke thought hatefully.

"Whatever." She muttered under her breath annoyed. He could be such a drama queen sometimes. It was unnerving.

Kira let out a small sigh closing her eyes and trying to practice. Kaida said the fuzz meant she was getting closer to obtaining her goal. That if she broke pass the fuzzy sound she'd be able to hear as many peoples thoughts as she wanted. The next test would be blocking them out.

"Morning guys!" Kakashi waved. "Today I wandered a bit from the path of life..." He called squatting on one of the pillars up above.

"You are such a liar! Would it kill you to at least PRETEND to be sorry?!" Naruto yelled pointing an accusing finger at him.

Kakashi hopped down in front of all four kids. "It may surprise you, but I've recommended all four of you for the chunin selection exam." That surprised everyone.

Kira stared at her brother like he was crazy. How could he believe they were ready for the chunin exam?


"Good one, you almost had us."

Kakashi pulled out four applications from the side pocket of his vest. He wasn't kidding. Kira stared at her brother trying to figure out what he was thinking doing this. They weren't ready for this kind of thing were they?

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