Chapter 28: The Final Exam part 1

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Kira had got little to no sleep, her mind racing. Not only was today the exam day, but last night she heard more about Gaara's life than she had since they first met. Her heart felt like it was broken. He's been alone in this world for twelve years. She was lucky to have Naruto during her childhood but Gaara? She wanted nothing more than to hold him and let him know he wasn't alone. That he didn't have to be alone anymore. She'd be there for him.

Naruto was nice enough to take her to his home to sleep, but as he slept away she only sat by the window hugging her knees forcing herself not to go after Gaara.

As the sun came up Kira shuffled back to her home to get ready for today's events. Barely anyone was awake at this time but soon enough the village would be filled with viewers who wanted to watch the upcoming battles.

"Stupid boys." she grumbled kicking a pebble down the road while rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Unaware of the blonde haired girl leaning against the hotel she was passing.

"My brother finally show his true colors huh?" Barely giving the girl a glance Kira rolled her eyes. It was partially her fault. Not showing her brother attention or protecting him when their father attack him.

"He explained himself yes." she snapped glaring at the girl. She couldn't believe her. Acting superior and as if she deserved her sleepless night. "Whats it to you?"

"Nothing, just was wondering when you'd finally figure out he's not the best person to be around." She shrugged examining her nails.

"He isn't a monster." Not after what she heard last night. Gaara wasn't a monster, he was nothing like a monster. Sure he could be scary but he had his reasons.

"You're kidding right? He's crazy. There's no telling what he's thinking or what he's going to do. His blood lust is too high. Being close to him can get you killed." She snapped at the girl thinking she was crazy.

"Who's fault was that though? Standing aside while your father tries to kill your brother whenever he gets the chance. He can't trust anyone! Not to mention he's going to feel like a monster if everyone treats him like one!" Kira's eyes stung but she kept her emotions in check. She was getting over worked again, it was getting harder and harder to control it. Gaara didn't deserve this. "See you at the exam." she snapped walking away from the blonde.

Temari stood shocked. They only spent a few days at most together and now this girl thought she knew Gaara. Ha! If she kept being an idiot she'd end up dead.

Kira really wanted Kakashi home, but he's been gone since Sasuke escaped the hospital. She just needed to talk to her brother, hear what he had to say.

Kira was quick to taking her shower. The warm water helped relax her muscles. 'Kaida what should I do? Gaara he's so alone.' She leaned her head against the tile wall annoyed with no answers.

'Thats up to you, the boy is in a darker place then you or Naruto ever were.' She knew that, Kakashi never tried to kill her and no one in the village tried to hurt Naruto like that. Why would they do that to him? He's a kid!

'Why him? He doesn't deserve this!' Kira hit her head against the wall, only to hiss in pain it was still tender there. After her shower Kira stared at herself in the mirror just looking over the dark ridged bone going towards the back of her head. 'He's a monster huh?' She glared at her reflection, her red eyes starting to glow. He'll know today he isn't alone. She'll make sure of it.

Time Skip:

She saw him, standing with a bored look on his face, even among his family he looked so alone. Her heart ached, she hoped she could have caught him on his way in, but she just missed him.

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