Chapter 41: The Aftermath

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Sasuke huffed crouching down on the ground holding his head. Right before he left, as soon as the bright light had ended he couldn't see her. Naruto had been lying unconscious in the middle of the clearing but Kira was nowhere to be seen. As tired as he was he couldn't leave. He couldn't leave without making sure she was okay.

Sasuke limped frantically towards the one side looking at the ground for any source of blood staining the rocks or staining the water pink but when he didn't see any blood he rushed towards the other side. He started to use what little energy he had to dig, the rocks were heavy. Incredibly heavy. He didn't think he would be able to move them.

After struggling for five minutes he saw her bloodied hand. Tears sprang to his eyes as he reached forward. "Don't be dead. Please don't be dead." he begged clutching onto her limp fingers. He felt his heart break in his chest at his own stupidity. She felt so cold. The tears stained the rocks around her "I'm so sorry...I'm sorry."

There was nothing he could do. There wasn't anything left for him now. She was gone. He didn't experience the immense feeling of the new Sharingan. He didn't want it this way. Ripping out a stray kunai from the side of one of the rocks, he carved the Uchiha symbol on the back of her hand, forever branding her as an Uchiha.

Maybe if Sasuke wasn't drained of energy and maybe if he was thinking clearly he would have realized the reason he didn't get the Mangekyou Sharingan was because she wasn't dead. She was just knocked out and needed medical attention.

Sasuke just felt blind hatred towards Itachi, he would do anything and everything to kill his older brother. He didn't even care if Orochimaru wanted to use his body afterwards, nothing else mattered. She was gone. She was gone and it was his fault.

Kakashi returned the next morning after three missions. He desperately needed some rest but today he had a full schedule of helping his sister and changing some things up training wise. She was in no condition to fight just yet. She'd probably be better in a few weeks.

He wondered how she'd react when she finds out that Naruto will officially be training under Jiraiya. It'll be hard on her for however long he'll be gone. They've never been separated for more than a few weeks at most. Upon entering her hospital room he found her sound asleep curled onto her side with a boy sitting beside her. It wasn't Naruto either. It was that boy, Gaara.

Gaara quickly looked away from her sleeping form toward her brother. Kakashi nodded towards the boy and walked towards her. She didn't look like she was in pain. She looked like she was in the middle of some sort of conversation. "She talks in her sleep." Gaara nodded towards her.

"What about this time? She's been speaking in her sleep since she was I think six I believe." Gaara grinned thinking about what she might be talking about since she was a kid. "She once said she was going to be the King of Candy Mountain." Gaara tried not to laugh, it sounded like something any child would want to be. "So what was it this time?"

"Something about her friend to leave her alone." Kakashi furrowed his eyebrows trying to figure out which friend. "Sasuke, I believe." Kakashi nodded in understanding taking a seat on the other side of her bed. She snuggled closer into her pillow, Kakashi was quick to notice Gaara's features softened when he watched her.

"How was she last night?" Kakashi questioned "Did she have any trouble?"

Gaara shook his head already feeling annoyed at having to deal with Kakashi's questions but knew not to attack. He was probably just as worried as he was. "Her nurse refused to come in to change her bandage or check on her throughout the night while I was here." Kakashi frowned glaring at the door. That wasn't right at all. It didn't mean anything to him that Gaara was keeping watch over Kira. He wasn't the happiest that this boy was alone with his sister all night but even he knew Gaara wouldn't do anything with his baby sister in a hospital.

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