Chapter 27: Oh Gaara...

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"Focus your mind. Relax your body and tell me what you feel." Kaida's voice rang through my ears. Kira tried to force her body to relax, she was filled with excitement. She was finally going to learn new moves.

Kaida growled from her cage. "Focus." her blazing red eyes glared down at the human girl before her. Kaida could feel her excitement from here. "What do you feel?" What did Kira feel? She didn't understand what Kaida meant. She felt lots of things.

"Do you feel the fire burning within you? Or the chill through your veins?"

"I feel normal. What do you mean chill in my veins? I've always felt like fire was ripping through my veins whenever I..." Kaida tsk shaking her head a look of annoyance.

"You feel the fire when your anger gets the better of you. Focus again," Kira nodded concentrating on her own body. She concentrated on her own skin, her body felt warm, she could feel the blood pumping through her veins but there was something else. She didn't know what. But her chest felt cold. She was so used to the hot feeling that she wasn't sure about this cold one, only feeling it twice before.

"This chill allows us to withstand freezing climates," Kira thought back to all her winters in Konoha, Kakashi always made sure she wore her heavy jacket but all it ever did was make her sweat too much. Naruto would make fun of her whenever she took her jacket off and made snow angels in the snow.

"That...that makes sense..."

"Of course it makes sense." Kaida growled to herself wanting nothing more than to stretch her wings, she'd been too cramped for too long. It's been too long since she felt fresh air, swam through the cool rivers and lakes, eat as many fish as she could imagine. She missed so many things.

"Can I fly or anything?"

"No, your body has no wings. You might have some similarities of myself but that does not make it possible for you to fly."

"Fair enough," She shrugged her shoulders staring up at the Dragon waiting for her to teach her something for this next battle. She really wanted to be Chunin! If she was going to be anything like her father or Kakashi she'd make it to Chunin no problem! "Okay, okay! Come on you said you'd teach me something!"

"I am teaching you. You must know what will come ahead in life." Kira let out a groan. She just wanted to learn a new jutsu or something that would help her. "Would you like me to teach you healing techniques."

Kira's ears perked up, Kaida was going to teach her healing? "I know how to heal..."

"You know how to heal scrapes. Small open wounds."

"So what you're telling me is, if you teach me to control my healing abilities I could heal Lee?" That would be amazing, Lee deserved to be a shinobi ninja more than anyone. He worked hard every day, pushing himself further and further to be the best of the best.

"Well...there is a possibility. I'm not saying yes but there is a chance you could help."

She could help Lee. That's all that mattered. "Okay, let's get started." Kaida nodded closing her eyes pleased with her human. If it weren't for Kakashi she would have been lost and confused for a long time. There was no way to know for sure what would happen in the future, now that Kira knew what was locked behind the cage.


"Kira." Kakashi called waking the girl from her trance, her body looked exhausted as if she hadn't slept in days. Two weeks since Naruto had left and all he's seen her do is eat, train, and sleep. "Kira." Her tired red eyes looked at her brother this time.

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