Naruto's Determination

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During the morning Kira and Sakura were told to protect Tazuna while he went back to work on the bridge. So far things seemed to be boring, both were begging for something to keep them awake. They attempted to chat with one another but that just ended within the first two minutes.

"All alone and lonesome? Where are blondie and pretty boy?" Tazuna asked sparking up a brief conversation with the two girls.

"Training." Sakura answered shrugging her shoulders.

"Then why aren't you two with them?"

"I surpassed them. Kakashi told me to stay here and protect you." Sakura said confidently, a smug grin plastered over her face.


"Yeah I'm not that surprised those boys are always battling each other to figure out who's better never actually focusing on the task at hand." Kira sighed stretching her arms out in front of her.

"What about you?" He asked Kira this time, Tazuna didn't think the two girls could be alone with each other for more than five minutes.

"I had already mastered the training Kakashi was teaching. Kakashi said the two of us would be fine to protect you." He shrugged bending over to pick up his beam of wood.

"Tazuna, can I talk to you?" A man called out.

"Whats wrong, Giichi?" Tazuna didn't seem too worried. Barely glancing in his direction.

"I've been thinking it over, this bridge we're working on, I want off the job!" Tazuna sputtered staring at his worker shocked. "Why?! Out of nowhere like this, you of all people!" They must have worked together for years and grown close. It's no wonder why Tazuna feels betrayed but he must have a good enough reason.

"Tazuna! We go back a long way. I want to help you, but we can't take this risk. Gato will take out a contract on us if you don't stop! And if you die, it won't be this one project we could lose everything!" Giichi argued, trying to make his point across to his old friend. "Please, just give it up. The bridge isnt' worth it."

Sakura and Kira glance at one another before looking back at the men. "I can't do that. This bridge belongs to us all. It's everything we've been working toward, for our entire city. When it's finished, it will bring trade and commerce and affluence to us, and put out poor, little lands of the waves on the map!" Tazuna explained so passionately.

"But we're talking about lives here. Your life!" Giichi yelled.

"It's afternoon now already, isn't it? Lets call it a day. Giichi you don't have to come back."

'Wow,' The girls glance at one another unable to speak just yet. Heavy minded form what just happened.

Tazuna and the girls walked through the market on their way home. "My daughter asked me to pick up some things for our lunch on the way home," Tazuna explained. This town was broken. Almost everyone was either stealing, begging for money, or walking to their homes looking thin, very unhealthy.

"Here we are!" Tazuna announced showing the girls inside. Inside there was barely any food at all; everything was overpriced for a bunch of little fish or some tomatoes or vegetables. Thieves were everywhere. One guy tried to take Sakura's pouch only to get kicked in the face while she screamed pervert.

"Well that certainly was a surprise." Tazuna muttered when they finally were on their way home.

"What is with this town?" She finally asked the question plaguing her. A little girl yanked on the back of Sakura's shirt trying to get her attention. Kira and Sakura dug through their bags looking for something little kids love the most. Candy. We each pulled out a couple and gave it to the cute little girl whose eyes lit up. "Wow!" She giggled before running off with a quick thanks.

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