Jealousy Rises

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Sasuke clenched his fists in anger staring at the two, hatred directed at Naruto's stupid head, he kept touching Kira. No one is supposed to touch her. Why was she even helping him in the first place? He got that they were friends, but she knows that he needs to learn this on his own! If she was going to help anyone it should have been Sasuke.

'Naruto is always getting her to help him. They're always together it's insane. How am I supposed to get her alone if he's always with her?!' Sasuke thought bitterly grumbling to himself as he stormed back the house.

How was he supposed to woo his lady if she was always hanging out with Naruto? He needed to start now that way when they're older she'll already be head over heels in love with him. He didn't mind if Kira would turn into one of his many fangirls because she proved herself worthy of being his wife.

Sakura smiled brightly staring at me. "Hi Sasuke! How was your walk? Did you forget something?"


Sakura frowned confused, did she say something wrong? Sasuke stormed past her to the backdoor where he could be alone.

Kakashi stared when his student had stormed out of. 'Strange...I wonder what got him so mad.'

Days passed to weeks. The bridge was nearly finished. Naruto practically lived outside, only coming in to get food before running back out to practice more. It was the sixth day we've been here, Naruto was still outside having spent the entire night training.

"Damn Naruto stayed out all night again, didn't he?" Tazuna called staring at the last person to enter the dining room.

"Well you can't really blame him, ever since you told us that story Naruto's been practicing night after night." Kira called shaking her head a small smile stuck on her lips. She loved how determined he was, hated that he could really hurt himself, but Naruto knew his body, he knew what he could handle.

"He's an idiot with an obsession!" Sakura muttered sleepily.

"He's really not an idiot Sakura, Naruto's smart in his own way." The entire room stared at Kira like she was crazy.

"If he exhausts his chakra, he could kill himself. He might be lying dead somewhere right now." Sakura called glaring at Kira annoyed. She didn't understand why she continued to fill Naruto's head with silly fantasies without giving him any warning of the horrible outcomes that might happen.

"I hope he's alright. It's not good for a boy to spend night after night alone outside!" Tsunami cried very worried for Naruto's wellbeing.

"There's nothing to worry about. Naruto's a goofy kid, but he's also a full-fledged ninja." Kakashi explained smiling at Tsunami.

"Is it possible, could he have killed himself? That bonehead..." Sasuke asked bitterly. Kira's eyes widen in shock.

"You ass!" She shrieked standing up tall. Slamming her hands on the table. Glaring hatefully at him, Naruto wouldn't be dead. He was stronger than everyone gave him credit for.

"He could be for all we know."

"And I'm sure you'd love that, wouldn't you Sasuke." She growled she felt as though there was a fire, a fire coursing through her veins, running slowly up her arms and through her heart. The idea of Naruto being dead killed her. Her best friend couldn't die. She wouldn't let him!

Her eyes burned with heat. Sasuke eyes widen slightly staring at her, it almost looked as if her crimson red eyes were, were glowing. That wasn't possible, her eyes weren't glowing.

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