Chapter 42: Reunited after Three Long Years

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I'm back! Three years have passed between the members of team seven and everything is about to change!

The gray haired girl grunted in pain feeling the blade of a sword start to dig into her shoulder. Her mission was simple, capture the bandit and bring him in for judgement. The bandit was just a man in his forties dressed in colorful cloth. He wore a bandana over his balding head, he was severely overweight and was a better swordsman than she was led to believe.

From what Lady Tsunade had told her, this man had stolen a rare artifact from one of the village elders that was of high importance to return safely.

Kira huffed staring at the ripped fabric and frowned glaring at the male. "Man this is my favorite shirt too." she grumbled under the mask.

"Be lucky thats all thats ripped right now you little brat!" The fat man snarled lunging forward hoping to knock the girl off her feet. Kira shifted her weight back, sweeping her foot back behind the males legs knocking him backwards. His sword jabbed into his arm as he fell. Great now she has to make sure he lives.

Reaching forward she grasped the male's throat with her robotic arm keeping him in place. "Just take a little nap." she urged squeezing the males throat tighter, he struggled letting that flow of blood gush into the dirt ground. The scent of blood wrapped around them as the man slowly started to pass out.

Kira let out a sigh shaking her head now having to use more of her chakra to make sure he survives. Thankfully this mission was a B mission and she didn't need a team of people to help.

Letting out a grunt Kira threw the unconscious man over her shoulder, her knees started to buckle at the weight but she refused to fall. It was a half days walk but she'd probably get back home in a few hours if she ran.

Naruto should be coming back any time soon, the two only talked probably once a month, he was always so busy getting stronger. She knew things would be different between them but she couldn't help but want to tell him the good news!

She had a vacation coming up in the next few weeks to Suna to see her amazing Kazekage boyfriend! After Naruto had left Kira was sure she'd never be with another boy until she was well into her twenties because of Sasuke, but talking to Gaara every day, she started feeling herself get excited for his call. The two would talk through the night not paying attention to time. And one thing led to another when they finally met up again. They've been dating for the past year and a half and she couldn't imagine anything different.

Dating Gaara was just easy, she felt safe, and her heart always raced whenever they saw one another. They fit together like two puzzle pieces or two star crossed lovers in one of those romance books in Sakura's room. He was very easily one of her best friends. Even thinking about him now brought a smile to her lips. It wouldn't be long till she got to see her cute panda bear.

The man moaned on her shoulder making the girl glare at him ruining her good thoughts. His abandoned duffle bag shoved over her left shoulder bouncing as she ran. She rolled her red eyes at the man's moans. So annoying. Two more hours Kira, just two more hours and they'd be back in Konoha.

As soon as Naruto stepped foot in the village of Konoha his excitement bubbled to the surface. He grinned rushing up to one of the telephone towers throwing his arms up above his head letting a yell. "HELLLOOO, KONOHA!"

Naruto snickered seeing some of the few confused villagers faces looking up towards the sky. "YOU HAVEN'T CHANGED AT ALL!" He missed this place so much. He missed the people, the food, the calmness of his village. It took Naruto a moment that the only thing different was the carving of Lady Tsunade's face in the mountain with the others.

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