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OKAY! So last chapter was way too long. I hated writing that part but I always figured it was best to have it instead of jumping straight into the part I wanted first. Anyway I don't own Naruto and I hope you like this chapter. I wouldn't be upset if you skipped the last one, heck I wish I could have. My wrist is still pretty bad but it's not like before. And I wrote this wearing a splint so here we go!

It's been two weeks since the battle with Zabuza and Haku, the bridge was finally complete and thankfully everyone in town was back to what they originally was normal for them before Gato. Kakashi said it would be best for our team to go to visit Zabuza and Haku's graves before they left.

Kira leaned against Kakashi, dark circles hung under her eyes. Every time she tried to sleep she kept hearing the screams. There was always so much blood. She would jump awake in a panic. Glowing red eyes, seeing herself rip a human apart with her teeth like a wild animal.

She just got angry, the idea of someone hurting a kid, someone who couldn't defend themselves. Something snapped within her. Now whenever she closed her eyes she would see herself committing the murder.

She was a monster. She wished she could have stopped. Just knocked them both out and tie them up like Naruto had. Instead she killed a man and almost the other. She should be locked away. The guilt was eating her alive.

Kakashi knew something was wrong with her, he had a feeling what was bothering her. When he saw her covered in blood he knew the seal was fading.

"Come on, we need to talk." Kakashi led his sister aside a few feet away. Sasuke looked back watching the two walk away. He was worried about her. He heard her toss and turn, her cries, then nothing at all. She wouldn't sleep. She stayed out at night, refusing to be in the same room as any of us. It got so bad that even Naruto had noticed.

Naruto who's oblivious to everything around him finally took notice to her distress in Sasuke's opinion. He didn't think she needed Naruto as a friend. Sakura tried to help saying that if she needs to talk she would listen. She smiled it off saying she was fine then would walk off to read one of her books. Sasuke wanted to help her, he didn't know what to do.

A few feet away Kakashi and Kira sat in silence. Kira's eyes started to droop, her body begging for sleep. Resting her eyes didn't help because only a few minutes later they shot open fearfully.

"Listen there's something I need to tell you." She looked up confused. Kakashi let out a sigh hunching his shoulders over. "In a neighboring village, there was an attack. Our Mother was working as one of the healers in a safe location. Being pregnant didn't stop her from trying to help the villagers. Father said that it was a dragon that attacked,"

"Dragon? Dragon's aren't real." Kira said annoyed.

Kakashi smirked shaking his head pulling her closer to him. "Yeah, that's what I thought. But if the Tailed Beasts exists then Dragons must too. When our Mother went into labor with you there were some complications. She wanted couldn't live with herself if she lost you..."

Kira stared at the ground. "Why are you telling me how she died?" she asked softly not liking to hear how she killed her mother. Kakashi was quiet for a bit. "It's part of the reason why what happened at the battle happened."

She looked up now. "Father had to make a drastic decision to save the village by making a sacrifice. He didn't want to, Mother knew you'd be a special one, she loved you so much. The dragon from that day is within you Kira." She frowned looking at herself her hands shook.

"What you experienced is a blood urge. The dragon's instincts were feeding off your emotions until it takes over."

It was her choice though. She wanted him to die. She wanted him to suffer.

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