Chapter 29: The Final Exam Part 2

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Sasuke and Gaara looked terrifying glaring at one another. Sasuke wanted nothing more than to show this punk up. Every time he saw the red head he kept seeing the way he looked at her. How dare he think that they could be friends. He barely could tolerate Naruto spending so much time with her.

Up high in the stands Kira couldn't see the curse mark on Sasuke's neck. She was glad he was okay but still worried. Gaara was tough. Kira ignored as Naruto reached out poking and prodding the new bone poking out of her head.

"Please stop." She called trying not to hiss in pain.

"When did you? How did? I'm so confused." Naruto muttered showing his confusion.

"How long have you had those?" Shikamaru muttered staring just as confused as Naruto was.

"I'll explain everything after the exam." she didn't feel like explaining everything right now. Even she didn't know how to explain it. Naruto who has the fox spirit sealed away inside hasn't shown signs of the fox taking over. Only the whisker marks on his cheeks.

While Kira who had Kaida trapped inside herself has red eyes and horns! Out of the two of them she looked more monsterish. Anyone would agree that she looked mosterish.

'Fear not, you will be okay.' Kaida's words rang through her head though the words didn't comfort her. Not yet anyway.

"What are you?" Temari called looking wide eyed at the two friends. They didn't answer though. The match began and everyone was just drawn to watching Gaara and Sasuke.

"Begin." Right away Sasuke leapt back keeping an eye on Gaara's sand floating out of the Gourd. Eyes widen when Gaara clutched his head letting out a grunt of pain. Confusing Sasuke. Was this some sort of trick?

"Please don't be so angry...mother..."

Mother? Kira glanced at Naruto nervously. He couldn't possibly be talking about the Shukaku? She couldn't hear anything. Damn him. His mind was equally guarded that Kira couldn't tell.

"I...gave you bad tasting blood earlier didn't I...?" His looked like he was having trouble staying upright, his body huffed and shuddered as he apologized to the voice in his head. "But don't worry this time...I'm sure it'll be really tasty..." Shikamaru nodded towards the stairs.

Naruto and Kira were quick to follow Shikamaru till they were on the first set of stairs going down. Completely alone.

"Remember the time we ran into him at the hospital? That time he said 'I will kill you all just you wait' but he didn't." How could anyone forget? Gaara told them his backstory one that proved why he was the way he was. "Even though it was his best chance we don't even register in his sight."

"We're not enough for him." Naruto concluded his anger growing.

"Right now the only one who can satisfy him..." Shikamaru grumbled already come to the conclusion that Gaara wanted Sasuke dead.

"Is Sasuke."

Naruto started to shake. He couldn't think straight. Someone wanted to kill his friend. It wasn't something he could allow to happen. He needed to do something. But what?

Back at the battle, Sasuke threw two throwing stars directed at Gaara, Gaara looked away as if not impressed. His sand easily blocked the shrap weapons, the sand taking form as another Gaara, a sand clone.

Gaara's sand clone shot forward at Sasuke but Sasuke was too quick. Sasuke had leapt in the air throwing his feet forward twisting his body so that when he landed a hit he could catch himself on his hands. His foot broke the sand fist. Sasuke was quick to get back to his feet. Sending his fist through the sand clone's neck.

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