She Chose Naruto

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Kira looked over the room, it was getting close to midnight and lots of people were drunk or acting silly. The kids were having fun ganging up on Naruto trying to tackle the blonde to the ground. Kira felt her heart flutter in her chest. After all this time he still gave her butterflies.

They've been friends for fifteen years, she tried to let her childhood crush run away but he always brought her back in, just the little things he did made her happy. She doubted that she'd ever get rid of those feelings. She liked Gaara but only as a friend.

"I'm gonna grab some food before Choji and Kankuro eat it all. Wanna come?" Gaara shrugged standing with her. They grabbed some food and joined Naruto, Naruto was quick to steal half of the plate having been busy and wasn't able to eat on his own. He felt so relieved that Kira was there for him. She really was his best friend.

Gaara listened to Lee talk about some sort of class he was taking with Might Guy, how it was the most amazing intense class he's ever taken and it was his favorite.

"You doing okay?" Naruto muttered lowly noticing the look on his best friends face. She was upset.

"Sasuke's being a dick because I invited Itachi," Naruto nodded completely understanding now, he knew that Itachi was her tutor, of course he tried helping both of them at one point but it didn't end well for Naruto. He ended up dropping out of that class.

"Yeah...I mean I had a feeling something like this would happen but he can go sulk in a corner by himself. He's missing a totally awesome radical party!" Kira couldn't help laughing, Naruto always knew how to cheer her up. "Seriously though, this party is going great thanks to you,"

Kira couldn't help flush with embarrassment, Naruto never usually complemented her this much. It was just something she wasn't used to but she liked it.

Naruto stared at Kira, she looked so cute her long gray hair pulled back into a half up half down, it was different, he always saw it in a braid but it was straight today. She was wearing some sort of makeup, her ruby red eyes were changing to a scarlet color in the light, there had to be something on her that made her eyes look that attractive. Her skin looked really soft too, the soft blush made her look angelic, fragile, she looked so...different from how he was used to seeing her. Not to mention she smelled really good, he couldn't name it, there was just this incredible smell coming off her.

Maybe it was the few drinks he had, or maybe he's always felt something toward her, she was always there for him, she helped him when others wouldn't, stayed up late studying with him in high school so that he would pass the test, they had the best times together. She was his best friend and something more. He used to think that the two of them would be weird together, that they were too good of friends to do anything, but with these thoughts spinning around his head he just wanted to try.

He watched her laughing at something Kiba said, the way she was laughing made him want to start laughing too, it was so infectious. Naruto wasn't sure why he started feeling these things. Maybe he's always felt them or maybe it was the booze.

"A minute to midnight!" Tsunade called holding her drink and flipping the tv channels to the ball drop. Kakashi started dispensing the Champagne glasses, everyone watched as the ball started to drop. Naruto shifted so he was holding her hand.

Kira glanced at him a goofy smile on her lips.

"Ten!" The chant started, already people were starting to pair up.

He tugged Kira closer to him shifting his body so that they were facing one another.


Kira gave him a confused stare but went along with what he was doing.





Everyone was excited, Kira could see her brother having a blast his arm wrapped loosely around Anko's shoulder. Shikamaru and Temari were already ahead of everyone, she wasn't sure if Termari started it or Shikamaru did but they were already kissing.




Naruto forced himself to move forward, it was now or never, his lips planted on hers, Kira's eyes widen in surprise. Naruto was kissing her.

"One! Happy New Year!!!" People screamed giving the person they were with a kiss to start off the new year. But Kira couldn't help focusing on Naruto. He was kissing her, her long time crush was kissing her and it felt...amazing. Her eyes fluttered closed, it was all she'd been dreaming about.

They broke for a second looking in each others eyes. "N-naru," she whispered surprise evident.

"Happy New Year Kira,"

"Happy New Year." she leaned forward placing another kiss on his lips, pulling him closer than before. This was by far the best night ever.

Kira and Naruto!!! Doubt that would last though then again my best friend and I are dating so it could work maybe for them. Really wanted to write a Naruto and Kira fanfic because I really like that idea.

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