High School AU

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I'm not going to lie. I'm just going to keep the original characters names just so you don't get confused and neither will I. I decided that this next chapter would be a filler till I get back from my trip. I tried looking up the girl names would be for the guys and the guy names for the girl but realized I'd have to change them completely. Except for Naruto who already had a girl name but eh he can still be Naruto! I love the guy. Anyway hope you like this filler! There might even be another one if I get bored I'm always open to suggestions for these kinds of chapters.

Highschool AU:

Being one of the most popular girls in school was nothing. Being an Uchiha has always meant that we were a powerful family and our beautiful genes passed down through each generation. You wouldn't believe the many confessions I've turned down these past few years.

I've only ever loved one guy. He's always been in my classes, his short spikey dark gray hair shot off to the left, those vibrant crimson eyes that captivated me every time I saw them, today he wore a dark blue skin tight T-Shirt and black jeans, I could see each and every muscle clinging to his fit body. He always looked fashionable.

He wasn't a jerk like the other guys in this school, he stayed behind to help our sensei's, he always held the door open for me when I was behind him, he always helped Naruto with her homework. That idiot was always trying to goof off.

She didn't know how lucky she was. Sasuke would kill to be in that sort of situation, to be next to him. Oh Kira you have no idea how much I like you.

Sasuke let out a soft sigh staring at him from behind, Kira was goofing off with Naruto and her friends sharing snacks and talking about plans for the weekend.

"Kira you think you and the guys would want to come to the movies with us?" Naruto asked loud enough to get everyone's attention. Sasuke noticed that most ignored not bothering to pay attention or were secretly listening in like herself.

"Yeah I'll text them. Shika I'll see if Temari would want to come eh?" Kira teased his voice sounded heavenly in her ears. His voice wasn't deep, but it wasn't high, his voice sounded so, so sexy. Shikamaru flushed looking away, her long black hair was pulled back into a high pony tail. She looked embarrassed but refused to say anything about it.

"He's always so troublesome. He always wants to do something and never wants to relax." Shikamaru huffed annoyed.

"I don't know, I think he's just trying to impress you, he thinks you're cute." Kira called leaning closer to his tired friend.

Shikamaru glanced at Chouji blushing heavily. "Do you really think so?" she muttered mostly to herself. But there was no hiding the smile that made its way to her lips. The idea of this Temari fellow made her happy.

"Make sure he brings his sisters with him. It would do Gaara some good to get out of the house." Sasuke clenched her fists aggravated.

'No! That bitch will be all over my Kira! I have to stop this!' Sasuke thought angrily. "What movie are you all seeing?" From what the other guys have said my voice sounded angelic. My pitch black hair hung loosely around my shoulders. My onyx eyes locked onto Kira looking him over before looking at Naruto.

Naruto smiled back at me looking mischievously. Her bright yellow hair was pulled into high pig tails, her bright blue eyes could distract almost anyone from the long whisker like scratches against her smooth face.

Naruto had a nice slender body and long legs. It confused a lot of people how she ended up dating Hinata one of the classes shyest boys. In my opinion she dressed kind of like a skank, always showing off her stomach tattoo, then she likes to eat like a pig! It was insane how she never gained a lot of weight.

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