The Rules

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*_* = Naruto

'_' (bolded)= Sakura

'_'( normal) = Kira

-_- (normal)= Sasuke

The Test Part 2: The Rules

Looking up at the large forest anyone could feel the creepy vibes coming off it. The feeling of dread wrapped its way around your body, trapping you in the uneasy feeling forever.

"It looks like a pretty creepy place." Sakura muttered holding her hands to her chest nervously. Naruto stared past the gated fence a look on his face that screamed 'eh it's not that scary' while Sasuke just glared at the back of Gaara's head.

Kira stared at the area trying to think of what horrors could be behind that locked gate. Anko chuckled to herself hearing the murmurs of uncertainty from the crowd.

"You're about to find out first hand why they call this the 'Forest of Death'!" Anko smirked gleefully an evil look in her milk chocolate eyes.

"Ooo, you're about to find out first hand why they call this the 'forest of death'!" Naruto mocked hitching his voice high to sound like a lady, bringing his legs together and bending down looking so silly in the process.

Sasuke and Sakura glared at Naruto annoyed. Now wasn't the time to offend the instructor. Kira sighed holding her head a small smile on her lips at how silly Naruto could act.

"Like that's really going to scare us. You're trying to psych us out, and I'm not gonna fall for it!" Naruto screamed pointing an accusing finger at the instructor. "Right Kira?!" A small laugh forced it's way out of her lips being in the center of attention now.

"Yeah, sure."

Though she knew Anko was deliberately scaring us all she knew that there was probably something bad about this forest. She could feel it in her gut. Something bad was going to happen in there.

'What a little brat...I better teach him a lesson hehehe.' That wasn't good. Kira's hand stayed on her pouch waiting patiently to see what she had in mind.

"Oh really? You're pretty cocky, huh?" Anko smirked looking innocent. Now. In lightning speed a kunai was flung in Naruto's direction. A clang of metal echoed around the vicinity knocking the kunai out of the way from harming Naruto. But that didn't stop the paper thin line appearing across Naruto's cheek on the left side.

The most she did was save him from a deeper cut.

Naruto stared at the kunai beside his face wide eyed. His large blue eyes on full alert, traveling up the kunai's form till his eyes rested on Kira's. 'You okay?'


Their instructor disappeared, reappearing right behind Naruto grabbing onto his shoulders pulling him close to her chest. "Heh. Your kind are always the first to go." She had a small pout on her lips when she licked his cheek. Licking up the small trickle of blood that spilled.

"Spilling all that rich, red, lovely luscious blood. You can't always rely on your teammate to save you punk." She giggled a light blush spread over her face. She looked like she was in pure bliss.

She was so weird. She make everyone uncomfortable. Quickly she pulled out yet another kunai holding it out against a student with an incredibly long tongue. Ready to fight if need be. "Your kunai knife, I believe you dropped it." He called.

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