Chapter 30: The Eulogy

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The news was heard. Lives were lost but one important man stood alone to help protect his village and he paid the price. Of course it would rain today, today was meant to shed tears. The third gave his life to protect his village. To protect his people.

Everyone was dressed in black to pay their respects.

Konohamaru sobbed into Kira's stomach his goggles pointy sides digging into her skin, all he could feel is pain after losing his beloved grandfather. Kira herself felt his pain. She held him giving her comfort towards the little boy. Naruto and her shared a look. The village had many fond memories of the old man. He had been nothing but kind to everyone, treating all of us like we were his family.

"Master Iruka..." Naruto spoke softly gaining Iruka's attention as well as both Konohamaru and Kira. "Why do people risk their own lives for the sake of others...?" Naruto never lifted his face from Hokage mountain.

It took Iruka a moment to figure out what to say. Konohamaru sniffled staring up at his big bro confused. What was he trying to say?

"When one human dies...they pass away. Along with their past, their current life, and future. Many people die on missions or through war. And when they die, it happens startlingly quickly...and simply." Iruka sensei let that hang on the air for a moment so Naruto and anyone listening in would understand.

"Hayate is one such example. Those who die have dreams and goals, but they all have something else just as important. Parents, siblings, friends, their fellow villagers, people who are important to them. Bonds form between them and those who are precious to them from the time they are born, through trusting and helping each other."

Kira out of instinct looked over at Naruto, they formed in her eyes the best bond of them all. She was lucky to have him as her friend and never forget him if anything happened. Konohamaru wrapped his tiny arms around Kira's leg staring up at Naruto. The kid might have lost his grandfather but he wouldn't lose Naruto.

"These strings that connect them, as time passes grow thicker and stronger. There's no logic or reason to it. People just do things like that, because they have precious things to protect.

A strong hand placed itself onto Kira's shoulder. Her smaller hand grasped onto him. What Iruka said was true, there was no logic or reason behind any bonds that form. They happen to their own accord.

"Yeah...I'm starting to get that now..." Naruto spoke so softly it was like it wasn't really him. "'s painful to die, too."

"Well, the third Hokage didn't die in vain. He did leave all of us something important. " Kakashi spoke straight ahead not looking at Naruto. Naruto glanced over confused. "Well, don't worry. You'll understand eventually."

Naruto grinned up at his instructor causing the few to stand by grow a smile once again. "Hey, give me some credit. I understand."

As the funeral progressed the sky started to clear. The clear skies seemed to help lift some spirits as the funeral ended.

Naruto quickly joined Kakashi, Sakura, and Sasuke. Konohamaru clung tightly to Kira's leg not wanting her to leave as well. Moegi and Udon were quick to find their friend.

"You doing okay Konohamaru?" Moegi asked softly resting her hand on his shoulder to show her comfort. Konohamaru nodded into Kira's stomach. They knew he was lying. You didn't have to be a mind reader to know how hurt he was.

Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura appeared beside Kira. "Come on Konohamaru, Kakashi sensei said he would take us out to Ramen it'll help." Naruto spoke squatting down to his level.

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