Chapter 48: Flashback

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Humming to herself, Kira let her mind wander back to Suna, she wondered what Gaara was doing. Was he at his desk doing work or was he sitting in his house possibly thinking about her. She hoped he was feeling well. Maybe she should have stayed to make sure he was okay. Make sure he was completely healed.

She was happy that they could spend their last night together. Her face started to flush remembering his light touch on her skin, how soft his kisses felt against her lips. His scent in the desert air smelled strongly of wood, and dare she say it he tasted so sweet like the cactus pear we had earlier that day.

"Gaara where are you taking me?" She laughed being dragged every which way by the redhead in front of her. He gripped her hand tightly tugging when she paused or was going too slow.

He turned his head back grinning at her before looking back to where he was going. He led her up another set of stairs until they made it to a roof.

Kira stood amazed looking over the city. It was completely different from the views back home. The night air held a chill though she rarely felt it anymore. The stars in the sky looked so bright and warm, the lights in the city made it look like we were in space itself.

Gaara grinned watching her expression, he'd been wanting to show her this place for some time now, it was his favorite place to go to think , to relax. He hadn't even brough Temari or Kankuro up here but he knew she would love it. He knew that this was the best spot to spend their last night together.

"This is incredible!" She gushed leaning against the guardrail watching people move around through the night. Gaara stood beside her resting a hand on top of her own watching the citizens as well. "I'm glad you like the view, I come up here to think. I figured you might like it."

Kira looked over placing a kiss on Gaara's cheek "Its beautiful." Gaara led her over to a blanket and the two laid down staring up at the stars. Kira grinned thinking back to when Naruto and her would stare at the stars and how they made a game out of it.

"Want to play a game?"

Gaara glanced over at her searching the sky for something "A game?"

He watched her nod her head shifting her right arm behind her head to get a more comfortable position "When Naruto and I were younger and we had our sleepovers we'd sometimes sneak out of the apartment and run up to the top of Hokage rock and stare at the stars. We made a game out of it, make up as many shapes and figures until we fell asleep or laughed ourselves into the next day."

Looking over she saw Gaara was watching her intently "I've never done that before..." he looked up at the stars "I suppose that this is also romantic like Temari said." Kira's brows scrunched together watching a light blush coat his face. He was trying to be romantic?

She instantly felt bad, here she was goofing off about and talking about games when he was trying to be romantic. She was such an idiot. "When did Temari tell you this?" she studied his face as he searched the stars. The corners of his mouth turned up into a small smile when he locked eyes with her, she felt captivated by his seafoam green eyes. She didn't know how he was able to hypnotize her like he did.

"A few months ago, a little bit after we planned on you spending a week or two here. I sort of asked her what I should do...she told me girls like romance and lights..."

Reaching over she grabbed his hand rolling onto her side so that she was now just staring at him. "Gaara." he rolled onto his side staring at her fully. "Yes Kira,"

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