Chapter 53: This Isn't Goodbye

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Who's there? That was the question. It was either Kabuto or that Sai character. Kabuto would have said something by now so it must have been the new guy. "Caught me red handed...still I've already acquired the upper hand here."

Rolling his eyes Sasuke glared at the wall. "What is it you want?"

"I intend to take you back to Konoha." This crap again. He had no intentions on returning back to that place he once called home. No one worthy was waiting for him anyway. "Although, I did originally come here in order to kill you. I want to see if I can protect the bonds between you and them. They cling so strongly to you."

"Bonds? You woke me up to talk about bonds?" Was this boy delusional? It might be time to really teach this twerp a lesson.

"Sai!" Sasuke heard the sound of someone being hit and a body being thrown to the ground. "What the hell is your problem. Are you here to help us or not!" A woman growled outside the room. He could feel his bindings loosen at the distraction.

He didn't care to look back and see what was happening but he did like whoever was out there knocking some sense into the boy. "I apologize Kira-chan I do not intend to betray your trust. I have found Sasuke and intend to bring him back to Konoha."

Kira? Did this idiot think that this woman was his Kira? True the name Kira wasn't as popular as some might think but there was only one Kira that mattered. "You found him?" Her words were soft, full of surprise and fear? "You found Sasuke?"

"Yes. He's in that room right there." Sai nodded his head towards the open door. Looking back Kira gulped. Was Sasuke really in there? She could see a body lying towards the wall being held down by ink snakes. The door creaked open some more shedding more light into the dark room.

Sasuke heard the shaky breath as she tried to control her nerves. "Sasuke...I um..." Sasuke rolled his eyes and quickly activated his Sharingan. Who was this poser? Turning around he made eye contact with the woman. Short gray hair that fell just below the woman's ears. Bright ruby red eyes glowed in the dark room. Atop her head he saw two black thick horns curving along the top of her head parting the hair into two different dips. One was broken in half while the other was sharp and pointy. Her face was covered in a black mask blocking his view of any other defining feature on her face. She was dressed in black shorts and wore a Jonin jacket. From what he could see of her legs there were faint scars running up and down in different places. She looked like her but not enough to be his Kira.

"You think it's funny to be her?" Sasuke growled glaring at the female. He saw her confusion. "Cut the act and show your true form."

Glancing back at the male beside her she mumbled "true form?" Clearly confused. "'s me, Kira..." she gasped in pain feeling his hands digging into her throat he was so fast. "Stop lying. She's dead!" He snarled pushing deeper into her throat.

"I can...I can prove it." She gasped clutching onto his hands she couldn't fight back, not yet. Oxygen was getting scarce her eyes were getting dizzy. Why wasn't Sai doing anything?!? Fumbling with her gloves she tossed them to the side. "Why should I believe you? You're just a replacement." He spoke with no emotion. Using one hand he reached over grasping a Kunai from her pout placing the sharp point under her chin. "Maybe I should make you suffer the way she did."

"Sasuke..." she begged eyes starting to water. The tip of the knife scratched her skin tearing the fabric of her mask free she could feel the blood ooze free dripping down and soaking into her clothes. Why didn't she take the seed when she had the chance? "S," she muttered feeling a darkness drift over them.

"Don't even think about it. Come any closer and she's dead." The grip on her throat loosened but that didn't give her any joy. The blade was still too close for contact. If she moved she'd be dead. "Take off the mask." He muttered her hands shook as she reached up and slipped the mask free from her face. Sasuke studies her features frowning. This imposter even got her scar over her lip correct. "You must have done your homework. Who put you up to this?"

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