Chapter 5: First Kiss

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Kakashi and Naruto were still having their talk, it gave Sasuke the perfect chance to spend some extra time with Kira. She had calmed down some and Sakura seemed to have her mind elsewhere. It was perfect.


She glanced up at him. "Thanks for having my back, back there." She said softly.

Glancing back at Sakura she wasn't paying attention still. Good.

"It's fine. You would have done the same." The two walked in a comfortable silence from then.

Kakashi and Naruto rejoined. Naruto was unusually quiet, giving a glare to Sasuke every now and then.

Everything was back to normal.

On the Boat To Wave Country:

"Wow, this is some fog! I can barely see a thing!" Sakura complained.

"We'll be able to see the bridge in a minute. On the other side is Nami no Kuni the land of waves. The helmsman said softly He couldn't risk his voice being too loud.

It wasn't long after that the group could see the size of the bridge. It was huge.

"WOW! ITS HUUUUUGE!" Naruto shouted, shocked and amazed by the size of this bridge.

"That's what she said," Kakashi, Tazuna, Naruto, and Kira snickered at her little joke. Sakura looked appalled, disgusted even.

"Hey! Keep it down! This mist'll keep us hidden. But from this point on, we have to turn off our engines and row. We'll be in big trouble is Gato finds us." The Hellman snapped.

Naruto quickly threw his hands over his mouth.

Off The Boat:

"Lets rest for a bit." Kakashi announced tossing his bag on the ground somewhere on the forest floor. The small group set up three large tents while Kakashi built a fire cooking some fish to eat.

"Sensei..." Tazuna called, breaking the silence, everyone was accustomed to.

"Yes?" He stared at the elder man from the ground.

"There's something you should know, about the request for help I made to your village." that got everyone's attention. "As you guessed, this job is more dangerous than you and your students were lead to believe. There's a real scary man who wants to see me dead."

"A 'really scary' man...? Who is he?" Kakashi pried.

"You've probably heard of him. He's a billionaire in the field of marine transportation. His name is Gato."

Kakashi's eye widen in surprise. "You mean Gato, of Gato shipping and transport? The Gato? They say he's the richest man in the world!"

"That's the one. On the surface he looks like a legitimate businessman. The truth is he's a ruthless, murdering criminal who employs gangs and teams of Shinobi, and traffics in drugs and contraband. He starts out taking over companies, and ends up running entire countries. He lives by every low and vicious trade known to man."

Everyone was listening, ready for what was next to come.

"It was just one year ago that he set his sights on the Land of the Waves. He came under the guise of a business venture. Then the violence began, and in no time at all, he'd take over our entire marine transportation and shipping industry, and we were all under his thumb! Gato now has a stranglehold on all forms of transportation, the lifeblood of an island nation, and a stranglehold on all the wealth...The only thing he has to fear is that which has been underway for some time. The completion of the bridge!"

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