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Naruto's here! Oh thank god! I'm so glad he's okay, I knew he'd come and save the day. He's always appearing just when we need him most.

"Naruto that was awesome!" Sakura cheered excitedly.

"Naruto to the rescue huh? You're completely psyched to be saving the day but now would be a good time to run for your life!" Sasuke yelled from his perch. Terrified. "This guy is way out of our league!"

"Heh, Heh, my compliments on your stunning defeat of the giant snake Naruto." Tongue guy comment resting his arms on the base of the tree. His body still twisted around like a snake.

"You sent a giant snake after him?!" Kira screeched from her spot. It wasn't right that he decided to go after Sasuke but he also tried to kill off Naruto too! Tongue guy smirked letting out a few sinister chuckles in the process. He was taunting us.

How do we stop him? The four of us against this dude who had the power of a Jounin. We couldn't defeat Kakashi, how are we going to defeat this guy? Something isn't adding up.

"Hey! Why don't you pick on someone your own size!" Naruto screams challenging the man to a fight he thought he knew could win.

Sakura nudged Kira looking up at Sasuke confused. He had just activated his Sharingan then stopped. What was going on? He must have saw something...right?

"If it's our scroll you want, come and get it. Just take it and go!" Sasuke hollered pulling out the scroll. Kira's eyes widen quickly spinning to Sakura. She gave a nervous laugh looking away a grimace on her face.

"He told me to give it over..." Sakura gave the lamest excuse ever.

"Are you insane?! Sasuke you idiot! You give him that scroll and there's no way to tell he's going to leave us alone! For all we know he's going to kill us either way!" Kira shrieked glaring up at the raved haired panicked idiot.

Sakura shook her head. Sasuke had to have a reason for doing this. He was trying to protect us. He had to be. He wouldn't be endangering the mission unless it was for good reason...right?

"What the heck do you think you're doing?! Is this some clever way of beating the enemy? By handing over everything we've got?!" Naruto screeched alerting the entire forest what was going on.

"Well done, Sasuke. You're obviously natural born prey. Instinctively knowing that your only hope lies in the chance of the predator being distracted by some tastier bait." Tongue guy calls chuckling sinisterly.

"Come and get it!" Sasuke chucked the scroll in the air, Kira and Sakura watched wide eyed as the scroll flipped and spun through the air. Relief flooded through Kira's system when she saw Naruto catch the scroll.

"Oh thank god." Kira sighed resting her hand over her heart the scroll was safe. Naruto landed safely beside Sasuke looking down clutching the scroll to his stomach.

"Stay out of this!" Sasuke screamed aiming to hit Naruto with his head down. "You'll ruin everything!" The raven haired boy screamed. Naruto through the pain of the recent blow delivered one of the strongest sucker punches he's done in a long time. Sending Sasuke flying off his feet.

Quick as ever Sasuke retreats to another branch aggravated as he holds his jaw. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"Naruto...what are you?" Sakura gasped surprised. She didn't know what to think. Everything was happening so fast. She wished everything would slow down, it was like she was in her own little world and everything buzzed by around her.

"I forgot the stupid password. So I can't prove it. But this so called Sasuke is obviously a fake!" Naruto never took his eyes off Sasuke.

"What?!" Sakura couldn't believe that the Sasuke in front of her was just a fake. He just couldn't be a fake.

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