Chapter 52: We Miss You

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Sakura was hunched over healing Naruto from his four tails transformation. Kira was in the process of healing her upper torso area. She could still feel her skin bubbling from when he touched her. "Captain Yamato...that jutsu you used to pacify Naruto. Could you please teach it to me?" Sakura was feeling absolutely worthless.

Not only did Naruto get hurt but so did Kira because of her carelessness. She thought that if she had just somehow convinced Naruto he would have calmed down. But she was being an idiot. "I'm sorry but that would be impossible, I am the only one in Konoha who can use that jutsu, and only because I carry the Lord first's DNA within me." Even saying that Kira could tell that it pained him to think about. Turns out he knew all along and Orochimaru bringing it up just gave the man more pain.

"Yet all I am is an experiment...a pale copy of the original first power. Yes I have power but nowhere near enough to forcibly suppress the nine tails chakra..." Kira cringed hearing him speak that way. She wasn't used to him speaking in such a way. Sure they had only been on two missions prior to this one but she had gotten to know him somewhat or maybe she hadn't.

Getting up from the ground Kira made her way over to her group quickly taking notice that Kabuto was missing. Did Yamato think it best to let him go? Kira figured they could use a little persuasion to get information out of him. Everyone has a breaking point. If she learned anything from Ibiki sensei then she knew that anyone can and would talk.

She thought about asking her captain but figured he did it for a reason. That must be it. "That necklace around Naruto's neck used to belong to the first Hokage." Kira frowned, she remembered why Naruto got that necklace in the first place. Their trip with Jiraiya to bring Lady Tsunade back to Konoha. Their battle with Orochimaru, Kabuto telling Naruto that she loved him. It was a n eventful trip. Then of course not even two days after we got home Sasuke runs off to Orochimaru...

Kira zoned back into reality seeing Sakura crying. "It's always like this...The only thing I can ever do for Naruto are these little things."

"You're just talking stupid now." Kira growled not liking her little pity party. It was almost as bad as how she used to be when they were younger. Yamato nodded at the gray haired girls words "She's right. It doesn't matter whether the things you do are small or large, what matters is how much you care about Naruto."

"Listen Sakura you're stronger and smarter than me and Naruto. If it wasn't for you we'd have been done for lots of times." Kira confessed trying to make the girl feel better, though if truth be told Kira was still miffed about her charging after Naruto in such a bad shape. It was clear that talking to Naruto wasn't going to fix anything but she just up and tried to get herself killed!

Didn't Kakashi teach her anything?! Observe the situation and then attack! Ugh how blind could she be! Kira hoped this mission would help them with something and get an idea on to bring Sasuke back then she could go back to her other missions.

"Sakura? Oh...ow!" Naruto moaned sitting up clutching his chest. His blue eyes looked around quickly noticing Sakura and Yamato kneeling beside him and Kira standing against one of the trees. As soon as Sakura saw Naruto start moving tears burst free. He was okay!


"Huh? What happened? Why am I...Whoa! Why're you crying Sakura? Kira what happened?" Naruto shot to his feet growling and glaring all around him in search for someone. "I swear if that sharp tongued sai said something hurtful to you like ugly, or monster strength I will personally kick his ass!" Sakura growled reaching forward and punching Naruto in the head. Though Naruto was the only one who called Sakura Monster Strength, Naruto did bring up a point.

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