What to Do, What to Do

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Haven't wrote this in a while but I don't own Naruto, sucks I know. I wish I did cause I'd have a problem and keep everyone.

The victors of their battles stood in front of the proctor, waiting for the third exam to begin. Kira stood at the end a little way away from Naruto and Gaara. Sakura took to standing beside Naruto while Kira stood beside Shino. They've never talked for a long period of time but there was a comfortable silence between them. It didn't feel awkward or strange.

"To those of you who won your bouts and qualified for the finals of the third phase of the Chunin exam, although one of you isn't here, congratulations!" Hayate coughed to himself for a moment. "Uh...well, Lord Hokage...they're all yours."

"Yes..." Lord Hokage stood from his seat smiling down at all the finalists. "Well then starting now I shall begin explaining the finals. As I mentioned earlier, you will conduct your final round battles in front of everyone. Each of you represents the battle strengths of your respective lands so we want you to exhibit and fully showcase your various talents. And thus, the finals will commence one month from now."

So they weren't going to jump straight in, that's a relief. Kira relaxed some getting the idea on training harder than before to beat her next opponent.

"We're not doing it right here, right now?" Naruto moaned wanting more than anything to get this exam started.

"We call this the requisite preparation period."

"What do you mean?" Neji voice called out, not really liking the idea that he wasn't going to fight now.

"Well it's a period of time that allows us to relay the results of the preliminaries to the rulers and shinobi leaders of each land and to summon them to the finals and it also serves as a preparations period for you applicants." The Hokage explained. It made sense. It gave all winners of the examination to rest up and get ready to the next part. That way in a months' time everyone would be ready and could fix up their skills.

"I still don't get it! What do you mean?" Kankuro growled completely annoyed. He thought the Hokage was just beating around the bush again.

"You must prepare to understand your enemy and understand yourself. During this period you can analyze the intelligence you have gathered on your foes during the preliminaries and use it to increase your chances of victory. Even thought, up to this point, all the battles have been real battles they were conducted on the premise that you were fighting an unknown enemy."

Kira glanced over at all the winners. She hopped she didn't have to fight Naruto.

"However the finals are a different story some of you probably ended up exposing everything you've got in front of your rivals and some of you may have gone up against comparatively strong opponents and found yourselves barely injured. In order to make the finals fair and just, we give you this month each of you must embrace the opportunity to practice hard, learn some new tricks and of course get some rest, as well."

The rest part sounded heavenly. Kira and Sakura couldn't wait to sleep in to the next day in their comfy beds. Heal up and practice harder. Though Sakura was worried about Sasuke she knew he was going to be okay. He had to be okay.

"I would like to let you all go now, but first there's one last thing we must do for the finals."

"Hey, come on! I need to start training now!" Naruto yelled, he needed to fight Neji and Sasuke. He needed to show his worth.

"Now then, don't be so impatient there are slips of paper inside the box Anko is holding. Each of you take one."

When Kira finally go the box there were two slips left. She grabbed one and looked at it. Eleven. What was that supposed to mean?

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