Chapter 40: Back Home

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Sakura and Tsunade walked inside Naruto's hospital room, Sakura was already ready to just pretend everything would be alright, she had to pretend for Naruto's sake. When learning that Sasuke wasn't back she knew, she knew that she made Naruto promise her something that was impossible.
So walking inside his room her heart just broke. Naruto sat sad and dejectedly in the bed wrapped up completely in gauze. She didn't do anything and let her friends almost die because of her wish.
"I heard you were badly wounded, but you look well enough to me." Tsunade gave the boy a sympathetic grin, even Tsunade knew he tried so hard.  Beside the woman Sakura stared sadly at the mummified boy.
"How's Kira?" those were the first words out of his mouth. Sakura stared wide eyed, she didn't even realize Kira had been hurt. "Is she okay? Where is she?" He was beyond worried. When Sasuke and Naruto got out of hand they just forgot she was there, they went out of hand.
"She's resting right now, her surgery was a success." Naruto looked up nervous at the word surgery. "She lost a lot of blood Naruto. You can visit her later if you'd like." Naruto nodded his head in understanding looking back at his lap. After finding out she'd be okay he realized he'd have to face Sakura now.
"Sakura, I'm...I'm sorry." Naruto muttered seeing the pinket standing beside the woman.
"What are you apologizing for?" Naruto didn't speak at her fake cheery attitude "You and your kooky antics! What do we do with you? Man, you look like a mummy." Sakura laughed awkwardly opening the  windows curtains letting the light shine in.
"I'm sorry, I..."
"You know, you really should keep the curtain open. See how gorgeous it is out there?" Sakura changed the subject. She didn't want Naruto to think about Sasuke or her begging to bring him back. He almost died bringing him back and he did all he could. She knew he would have brought Sasuke back if he could have.
"Sakura! I...I will keep my promise. It's, It's my promise of a lifetime. I meant what I said." Naruto urged Sakura to believe him. Tsunade frowned unsure what was going to happen.
"It's okay Naruto, forget it." Sakura muttered staring at the village, she was upset of course. He did all he could.
"Sakura! He's..."
"You remember...It's like I always say. I never go back on my word. 'Cause that's my shinobi way." Sakura stared at Naruto and his bandaged body thinking of her last encounter with sasuke and her last encounter with Naruto. A grin made it's way to her lips as she came to a decision. "Naruto, I'm sorry. You'll need to wait for a while. But next time, I'm coming with you."
Sakura walked outside the room, letting a few tears fall when she knew she was truly alone. 'Oh Sasuke....' She thought sadly walking through the maze of halls till she found Kira's room. Entering slowly she found Kakashi sitting beside her bed with a book in hand. His eye traveled towards the door seeing her.
"How's she doing?" Sakura whispered walking in slowly looking over the battered and bruised girl. IV's stuck out of her arm and a breathing mask was placed over her face. Sakura wasn't sure if her heart rate was elevated or not but it looked pretty high. Her once long gray hair was short and choppy, she didn't know what had happened to her but the tears started to form up again. "What happened to her?"
Kakashi glanced over at his younger sister fixing her covers so that they were over her in a comfortable manner. "She got trapped under some rocks..." Kakashi wasn't sure how to explain this to her, when he had arrived on the scene Naruto was passed out on the ground, if Pakkun hadn't picked up her scent he wouldn't have been able to find her.
Sakura gasped walking closer towards her body, she was missing an arm. "She lost her arm?" Kakashi nodded closing his book and placed it on the floor. "Poor Kira..." she wasn't sure if she'd ever be able to be a ninja again. "Can she still going to be able to ..." She couldn't get the question out. She couldn't ask it.
"Can she still be a ninja?" Kakashi asked noticing her cringe. "Of course. It'll probably take some time, lots of people lose limbs and continue being ninja's. There's a shop in the middle of town that handles Prosthesis for your average ninja." Sakura nodded in understanding. "Since we were unable to save the limb we'll just pay them a visit." 
Sakura nodded in understanding. The urge to get stronger grew within her, she needed Lady Tsunade to train her. She'd convince her somehow. "How's Naruto doing?"
"He's awake, he was talking with Shikamaru when Lady Tsunade and I walked in." Kakashi still felt bad for not making it in time, it was partially his fault that it happened to begin with. If only things had been different, maybe then Sasuke would have still been here.
Sakura stayed for a few more moments before leaving herself. It was an hour and a half later that Kira woke up. Pain flared through her body to the point where it hurt to breathe. Her eyes dashed across the room, she could feel her heart pounding in her chest sending another wave of pain flare through her chest. Where was she? What was going on? Why was she alive?!
"Easy kid," Kakashi's soothing voice raced through her ears, she stared at her brother frightfully. What had happened? Was she dead? "You're okay. Everyone's okay." he spoke so gently sitting up from his slouched position.
"Sas...uke?" her mouth felt dry and her throat burned. What happened to Sasuke? Was the mission a success?
Kakashi closed his eyes and shook his head. "We couldn't find him after we got to you and Naruto." He heard her let out a small cry of pain pushing herself further into the thin bed. Tears starting to stream down her face. Everything hurt. "I'm sorry." Kakashi sounded so broken reaching forward and grasping her left hand.
Looking down she saw why he was apologizing. She was broken. The rocks, she had been pinned. The white cloth wrapped around the nub proved it. They couldn't save it. "It's's my fault." she was in a state of shock, unable to process everything properly. Lifting her good hand she ripped the oxygen mask from her face, she needed to go for a walk. Fumbling with the covers and wires she was able to get out of bed. Kakashi right by her side.
"You need to rest Kira, you..."Kakashi tried to urge her back into bed but she wouldn't stop fidgeting and reluctantly in the end let her move out of the bed.
"I need to get out of here. I need to go for a walk." she fumbled forcing herself out of the bed, clutching onto the rolling monitor as she started to fall. Kakashi caught her with ease and helped her walk out of the room after putting another gown over her back like a jacket. She stumbled barefoot down the halls till she made it to the nurses station. Her breathing felt erratic at the constant moving but she didn't care.  "Wheres Uzumaki Naruto's room."
The head nurse stared wide eyed at the girl before fumbling with her paperwork. "He's in room three twenty six." She nodded and moved onward. Kakashi sighed shaking his head, she could have just asked him where his room was, it wasn't that far from her own. Kakashi walked her towards the room and knocked on the door for her so that she could catch her breath. "I'll let you catch up." she nodded watching him walk off, most likely he wanted to talk to Obito about everything that happened.
Shikamaru was the one to open the door, his eyes widened in shock seeing her how she was. She, Choji, and Neji had the worst of it, it seemed. "I look that bad huh?" She joked cracking a grin as Shikamaru helped her in. Naruto's eyes widen in shock.
Large black purple bruising wrapped around parts of her skin, one of her horns was broken in half, cuts and scrapes wrapped around her body that wasn't covered in bruises, her hair was all cut off left in choppy waves, it looked like a toddler took a pair of scissors to her head and went to town with them, but the worst of it was her arm. She was missing her arm and it was his fault. She looked absolutely awful and he was to blame. If he hadn't recommended bringing her along to Shikamaru she would have been fine.
"Hey Mummy man." she whispered softly seeing that he was okay. Naruto was okay. "Shikamaru are you okay?" She turned her attention to the leader briefly looking him over.
"You should sit." He muttered helping her towards the chair by Naruto's bed. She gave a small thanks feeling the relief of sitting down again even though she wouldn't admit it. "Can I get you anything?" He sounded so awkward right now, he wasn't really looking at her, he was holding the back of his neck unsure.
"No. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." Kira sighed shaking her head and faced Naruto "You getting anything out of this guy?" Naruto reached over grasping her chopped hair "The others are okay, Kiba's sister is taking care of Kiba and Akamaru." he muttered her hair felt so weird.
"Neji and Choji are out of surgery and they're doing okay." Kira nodded feeling a weight lift off her chest. She was glad everyone was back alive.
"What happened after we all split up?" Naruto asked softly staring at Shikamaru waiting for answers that's been running through his mind all morning since he woke up.
Shikamaru sighed shaking his head. He didn't go into great detail but he explained how while fighting his enemy he had help, Temari had come to his aid. While apparently Kankuro and Gaara had come to the aid of the others. At the mention of Gaara's name her eyes widened in surprise. "Gaara's here?" Shikamaru nodded rubbing the back of his neck again.
"Really? Gaara? Cute redhead with panda eyes and walks around with a gourd on his back. That Gaara?" Shikamaru shook his head annoyed.
"How many Gaara's do you know? Yes, Team Gaara from Suna came to our aid." he watched her let out an eep and a scared look crossed her face. She wasn't scared of the guy, she couldn't be. He remembered watching them walk around town and chat with one another on more than one occasion. So what was going on with her?
"I was, I was just making sure..." she flushed thinking of what would happen if he saw her like this. She was covered in bruises and cuts, not to mention she had no arm! He probably would laugh if he saw her like this.
"Anyway after that some of the medical nins had brought back Choji, Kiba, Akamaru, and Neji. Kakashi and his clone brought you and Naruto in. You were first though from what I heard." so it was Kakashi who found them, she guessed he had to make the tough decision to bring her or leave her. "I'm gonna go check on Choji see how he's doing." Naruto and Kira nodded in understanding.
"Tell us how he's doing alright?" Naruto nodded to what Kira said. He too was worried about Choji but he knew the guy would be okay. Choji and Neji were strong. With Shikamaru's departure she and Naruto were left alone in the quiet room.
Naruto laughed nervously trying to break the tension. "I never thought the first time a girl would say she loved me would be during a battle..."
Kira shrugged leaning her head on the uncomfortable chair watching the fidgeting boy. "Not the best place I admit but, I wasn't sure if I wanted to die without getting it off my chest." 
"I figured I would have gotten my first kiss before I heard those words but I guess it's a first for everything." Again Kira just shrugged at the words he spoke. She didn't seem too upset they were alive that's all that matters.
"Are you asking for your first kiss?" she joked cracking a grin at the boy. She saw him squirm in his seat looking at his lap, she guessed it was red under his bandages.
"No I just..."
"I'm joking." She called surprising him. "I know you dont like me like that." She looked out the window trying to enjoy some of the nice warm sun. "If you don't want to be friends I can understand that."
"Of course I want to be friends with you. I'm just trying to process, we've been friends for so long have you liked me like that?" Kira shrugged again closing her eyes a small grin making it's way to her face.
"I'm not sure, probably a few years now. I don't know when it started but I just remember getting really sad having to watch you leave then would get really happy to see you and I never wanted to see you upset, I think it's a combination of care for my best friend and wonder what it would be like."
Naruto nodded agreeing. "Things got weird between us." He sighed holding his head. "Don't get me wrong your awesome. I just..."
"Naru, I don't think I want to be with any boy. Sasuke kinda ruined it for me." Naruto nodded again unable to say anything. She reached up and touched her head her fingers running over her broken horn a small whimper feeling the jagged edges dig into her fingertips. "I'm just a mess aren't I?"
"I think you just need a decent haircut. That seems like the most damage." Naruto grinned watching his best friend start to laugh so hard that tears fell down her face. It most likely was a mixture of pain and the joke combined into one. "We'll be okay." he grinned reaching over and placing his hand on her shoulder. "No matter what, we'll be okay."
She was glad he thought they'd be okay in the end. Things have been just so weird between them ever since Kabuto had to ruin it for them. But it was bound to happen eventually. At least he still wanted to be friends. Kakashi picked her up and helped her return to her room where she would spend another night to be monitored and then maybe go home the next day. Kakashi brought her, her mask and helped place it over her face to avoid getting sick from the other patients. She looked even more like Kakashi at that point.
Gaara came later that night when Kakashi was off on a mission. He stared her down surprising her from her bored daze. She started to feel self conscious when he looked her over. Her hair was a mess, her body was all black and blue, she was missing a horn and an arm! He definitely wouldn't want to be around her now.
Here Gaara was standing all handsome and emotionless and she could barely look him in the eye. "Hey Gaara..." he was at her side in three seconds sitting beside the bed looking her over. This felt back when they first met, how he'd just study her and make her feel that twisted gut feeling.
"I'm sorry I couldn't help you..." he whispered looking over ever bit of her broken form. He was busy helping Lee he could have helped her.
"No, no it's okay...I'm alive, besides it was my fault."
"No it wasn't." Gaara argued back "You did all you could, it was Sasuke's fault this happened to you." he tried to reason. She was glad he was here, she hadn't spoken with Gaara for a while now but figured they'd catch up.
"So what have I missed in the life of Gaara? Your siblings still annoy you?" she saw the faintest smile spread across his face. He looked somewhat amused which looked adorable.
Gaara breathed a sigh through his nose before speaking up again. "They usually do. I'm in the middle of becoming Kazekage at the moment." Becoming Kazekage!? He was going to be kazekage?!
"Holy crap! Dude thats awesome ! Wait doesn't that mean that your dad...?" Gaara nodded his head showing she was right. His father the current Kazekage was dead. "Oh Gaara, I'm so sorry..." Gaara shrugged his shoulders not caring at all.
"Don't be. He was a horrible man." Kira nodded not sure what to say. She could say 'well cool glad your asshole of a dad is dead and now you're in charge.' yeah that probably wouldn't go over well. "Temari was asking about you..." He flushed looking at the bed instead of her face.
She glanced at his hands and noticed he was holding them under his legs as he tried to stop moving. "She thinks it would be a good idea if we were to spend more time together." He started to tuck his chin to his chest as he kept staring down.
"I'd like that." she smiled, she really liked the idea of spending more time with Gaara.
"Really?" he was still surprised when she agreed to spend time together, he enjoyed their phone calls and wished they lived closer together. She really was nice, which is why he is so mad at himself for not being able to help her.
"How long are you staying?" 
"Just today and tomorrow." she wished there was more time for them to spend together but at least he was here now. Though he could probably leave any time he wanted. "When do you get out?"
"I think tomorrow, thats what Kakashi said." Gaara nodded standing from his chair and walked outside. Kira frowned upset that he just up and walked away. Then again who was she to keep him locked by her side? He probably had things to do and didn't need her distracting him.
Though why is she upset? She had just told Naruto that she was done with boys so why is she upset with Gaara leaving her. Ugh emotions are confusing.
'Kaida?'  She called out to the dragon within her, she hadn't heard from her in so long that she wondered if she was even still there. She felt a rumble run through her body, it wasn't from her stomach. It was through her chest around her sternum. 'Kaida is that you?' Another rumble coursed through her chest she took it as a yes.
'Are you mad at me?' no rumble, no bad feeling. She guessed that nothing meant a no...or she was just ignoring her...this was just annoying. The door opened again to show Gaara. He grinned at her confused face, a nurse had walked in behind Gaara with fresh gauze.
"Your gauze." she looked down and noticed the red staining the once white fabric. She made a face and flushed. She felt so silly thinking he'd want to leave her...or maybe he does and he's just being nice! 
Kira looked away from Gaara as he watched the nurse unwrap and clean the wound. Her face was going to be permanently inflamed. She couldn't believe he was watching the lady do this, Kira didn't even want to see how bad it looked yet she couldnt understand why Gaara would want to look at the wound. She didn't even notice the nurses twitching/shaking hands as she quickly rewrapped the wound. The nurse lady quickly ran out of the room visibly pale and looked like she just saw a ghost. Kira moaned to herself reaching over to grasp the stub nervously.
Why did Gaara have to make her feel nervous? "She didn't wrap it correctly." Gaara informed reaching over and removing her left hand. Looking flustered at the boy she wasn't sure what to say. "See," he instructed towards the uneven wrap job. Gaara got to work fixing the nurses mistake. She felt his rough calloused hands move slowly around her arm making sure the bandage was tight enough to stay up on its own but loose enough to let blood flow with ease.
"My uncle taught me about medicine and how to treat injuries." He smirked at her stunned expression. "Back before I got this scar I was all about medicine and helping others. I wanted to be just like my uncle."
'Oh my god he's amazing!' She loved it when Gaara told her about his childhood and his happy memories. "Even though the villagers didn't like me, I still wanted to help because of Yashamaru."
Kira's eyes looked over the mark on his forehead "Your pretty special." She whispered softly hoping he wouldn't hear it.
Gaara chuckled softly pulling his hands away "Well you're one of the firsts to think so." That was just sad. She wished everyone could see this side of Gaara, he's so kind and caring. "You and Naruto anyway. It was because of you two I became a better person."
"Is it weird to say I thought you were a pretty cool person before Naruto got into your head?" She asked nudging his shoulder with her hand.
"It wasn't just Naruto," Gaara muttered looking away. Funny enough that was the longest conversation the two of them had, and it wasn't just her talking! He was talking too! This was amazing!!
"You don't have to stay, you know." She muttered looking away. She figured she'd probably have a quiet night probably ask one of the nurses if she could grab a book for her and she'd probably struggle a bit but end up falling asleep with a book in her lap.
"Someone needs to make sure the nurses take care of you correctly." She couldn't help but grin to herself like a loon. He wanted to spend the night with her to make sure she was taken care of properly.
That's it for now! And since my laptop is a piece of crap I had to write the last of it this chapter on my phone on google docs. I usually am able to write at work but I hope you liked it. I liked the last Bit with Gaara and Kira. I think he's a little out of character but I had a cute thought in my brain and I wanted to write it! I should have another update soon hopefully!

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