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"So what you're telling me is that you guys followed and spied on me to make sure she didn't rape me?" Jisung asked, summarizing up what the others had told him.

"Yup. Y'know, sexual predators are all around the place these days, and they aren't all males." Explained Jaemin, crossing his legs.

Everyone was gathered in the living room for a 'family meeting' as Jaemin said. Jisung was questioning them as to why they were spying on his during his and Koeun's date.

It was pretty late into the night and while the meeting was in session, Donghyuck fell asleep on Mark's shoulder and Mark soon fell asleep on Donghyuck's head. The other three were silent watching mother and son discuss the issue, letting out a few yawns here and there.

Jisung sighed,"Is that really the reason?"

"Um, yes and no." Jaemin answered honestly.

"No because?"

You see, Jaemin already knew about Chenle's little crush on the younger boy. But, he didn't want to be the one spilling the beans. He knew Chenle would do it when the time's right and when he knows exactly what he's feeling.

"A reason I cannot say. It's a secret that you'll have to find out yourself."

The younger pouted,"I'm not good at these things though."

"Too bad so sad. Now get yourself to bed, the rest of you too." He turned to see everyone passed out.

The three that were previously awake were now snoring quietly, leaning on one another.

Jaemin just sighed and stood up walking over to the closet to take out blankets. Jisung being the decently raised child he was, help his hyung with tucking the other's in.

"Aren't their necks going to hurt when the wake up?" Questioned Jisung, looking at the position the boys were in.

"Most likely, but I don't want to wake them up and make them walk up the stairs half asleep then end up cracking their heads open. I mean we did follow you for about 2 hours in the hot humid weather, just let them be."

"You guys didn't have to do that you know?" He said, rubbing his arm.

"Of course we did. We're your adoptive family for this summer." Jaemin stated, shooting the boy a genuine smile of his.

Jisung felt even worst when Jaemin smiled at him. Even though he had ignored his hyungs like the plague last week, they were still there supporting and protecting him. How could he ignore his hyungs like that?

"I'm sorry." His voice was small and faint, but Jaemin heard him.

"Sorry for what Jisung-ah?"

"For ignoring you guys. I was just so caught up with--"

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