Chapter 69

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Jeanie's POV:

I was waiting on Emmett to hurry up and get back down here so we could leave for Uncle Gene and Aunt Jinny's house. We were supposed to leave an hour ago, but he got back late from a hunting trip and now is dragging his ass in getting ready.

"Emmett, if you aren't down here in ten minutes I'm leaving you here." (J)

I heard a soft laugh from behind and turned to see Rose walking back into the living room with a vase of flowers. She set the flowers down on the mantle before taking a seat next to me on the sofa.

"He's taking longer than he said he would then?" (Rose)

"Much longer. We're already an hour late." (J)

"I wish he couldn't overhear what I'm about to tell you." (Rose)

I raised an eye in question at her wish but granted it anyway, watching her smile as I do. Rose wasn't one to ask for favors from anyone or wishes from myself so it makes me wonder what she needs.

"He's nervous about meeting your family Jeanie." (Rose)

"He's already met Gio and Uncle Gene though, and those would have been the hardest. He's being silly is what it is." (J)

"Perhaps, but think back on how you felt before meeting us. Weren't you nervous?" (Rose)

I felt a small sigh leave my lips, knowing that she was right. However, I also knew that I wanted Aunt Jinny to meet him, and that I wanted my family to know that I was free now. I heard footsteps walking slowly down the stairs and I looked up to find Emmett dressed in a designer suit, straightening out a gold tie.

I felt a smile creep onto my face as I saw that he did in fact look very nervous, so I suppose that means I can't be too upset with him. I straighten out my own golden dress as I stand up and meet him at the foot of the stairs. He smiles for a moment as he looks at me, before it's replaced with the same nervous look from before.

"Want me to carry the bags Jeanie?" (Em)

"Already sent them ahead Em, an hour ago. Everyone will love you, now let's go." (J)

I didn't give him the chance to argue or escape as I wrapped one arm around his and snapped my fingers. A moment later and we were standing in the front hallway of my uncle and aunt's house. I heard everyone in the backyard, and I knew that Emmett did as well as he tensed by my side.

"Everything will be alright, don't you trust me?" (J)

"With my existence Jeanie." (Em)

"Then come on." (J)

I took his hand in mine as I lead the way down the hall, into the kitchen, and then out the door leading to the backyard. Uncle Gene had gone all out this year and I saw the large white tent set up, along with a buffet style meal. Seems Aunt Jinny went all out this year as well then. I saw a banner hanging in the back that said 'Congrats Gio' and I smirked a bit knowing that Uncle Gene would make a second one for me once we told him the good news.

"Jeanie!" (Uncle G)

"Uncle Gene!" (J)

I let go of Emmett's hand as Uncle Gene picked me and swung me into a hug. I laughed a bit as he let go and then looked over Emmett who was standing quietly next to us. I saw Uncle Gene try to keep a more intimidating face on but it slipped into a smile just as quickly as it always did.

"Hmmmm so you brought your lover then. Well it's a good thing, at least now Aunt Jinny will stop pestering me about what he's like. Emmett, son, it's good to see you again I suppose. Welcome to the Genie Realm, and welcome to our home." (Uncle G)

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