Cruise 8

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It was GPS night. I wore my Red Sox shirt and baseball cap for it this year. It was a party with tunes belting out and us dancing on stage. I was a little tamer in my dancing this cruise mainly because of my fear and anxieties but also cos I am sick. Again they tried to give me a drink that wasn't an alcoholic one I didn't care what it was I needed something. I looked around at all the fans having fun. There was a small group dancing near Donnie and I which included the strawberry blonde haired girl. She was wearing an England soccer shirt. So she must come from England. I never got to talk her as I never had the courage too. I looked over but she disappeared. Damn missed her again. I shook it off and carried on dancing and singing to the tunes. First time in a while I actually felt relaxed. Maybe it was because I was sick and full of painkillers for my broken hand which I damaged earlier punching a wall. I was one of the last to leave that night.

That is it the cruise done now. I was up on our deck watching the boat dock back in Miami. I step onto the rails going to do the Titanic 'king of the world' but instead.

I shouted "I SURVIVED THE CRUISE. FOUR DAYS OF IT. WHOOP WHOOP". I felt hands pull me back.

"Easy brother you haven't left the boat yet".

"Hey, what gives?"

"You were a little too close to the edge".

" No, I wasn't ".

"If you say so. But I wasn't going in if you fell in".

" You would miss me if you didn't. A LOT". I grinned at him.

"You feeling better then".

" A little" then I started coughing again.

"No then". And a sneeze. " You shouldn't have stayed out all night then".

"I fined". Another sneeze.

" You're not if you put a 'd' on the end of fine. You're burning up". He felt my forehead only one of a few that can touch my head without me backing away from their touch.

"Yeah, I am the hottest member of the group" I broadly grinned at him. Then went into another coughing fit.

"You're sick".

" Nope just hot".

"You're delusional".

" I am hot. I am just poorly". Jon groaned at me and walked away.

"I see your sense of humor is back even though you're sick" came a voice behind me. It was Donnie with Jenny.

"Yeah. Some blonde lady in a red dress helped me with that last night".

" I am glad I helped you".

"Don't do it again. You embarrass yourself". I placed my damaged and bandaged hand on his shoulder, the one I punched the wall with yesterday. It was amazing how I could play the piano last night with a broken hand, a good way it was my left hand but bad in another as it's my stronger hand. I was so stupid to punch a wall in anger.

" You ready to leave the party boat".

"Yep, all packed and ready to go. I guess back to the norm".

" I can't believe you broke your hand".

"You shoulda seen the other guy" I joked. We both laughed.

Now all the fans have left the boat, we were waiting our turn to leave the boat and go into the waiting vans ready to back to the hotel. Jon and I leaving tomorrow to go back to Boston. I a!m going back to becoming that third wheel again at their house. I do need to start looking for my new home but am I ready to be on my own yet. Once we got to the hotel, I found my room. I had a shower and then jumped into bed. Where I slept until we left the next day.

The next day came, Jon had to come and get as I was still sleeping. He had an extra key-card for my room. Which is lucky as I was still asleep when he came in. I was out cold. But this has been the longest I have slept since being in the hospital. Jon had to shake me to wake me up but all I did swing a fist at him and rolled over to continue to snooze.

"J you need to get up. We have to go catch our flight".

" 5 minutes more. I don't want to get up. 5 minutes more. I don't want to go to school. Please just 5 minutes more"I muttered in my sleep. Jon shook his head.

"No Jordan. NO UP NOW. Or I will get help to shift your ass" replied Jon. I could hear him leave but came back with some backup of Donnie and Harley.

"Shall we pull him out of bed or roll him out".

"Watch his fists though. One nearly caught me just now".

"Nah just do this" as Donnie pulled the covers off me. They look away as the covers are slowly coming off me, I had no t-shirt on lucky them I did still have pajama pants on even though I was boiling hot. "Phew he has pants on. I was getting worried this time he would be nude under there". I was still sleeping through this. Donnie just rolled me off the bed. I landed on the floor with a thud. I woke up then. " WTF. Why did you do that for?" I said half sleepy and half annoyed. 

"Flight in a couple of hours J".

" You look worse today".

"I feel it". I slowly get up a little wobbly as my head is spinning.

"Where are you going?"

"Bathroom. I have slept for hours. And you lot threw me out of bed onto the floor where I landed on a full bladder".

"Shower too. You all sweaty and stinky".

" Not only are you the hottest member but you're sexiest one with that voice" replied Donnie with a chuckle. I flipped him off as I went to the bathroom.

Later we finally got back to Boston. Throughout the flight, the female attendants were always making sure I was OK. Jon and Harley thought it was hilarious. I got annoyed with it, I have just got the flu. I just wanted to sleep during the flight. The really old me would have loved all the attention and that's why those two were laughing. A little break before starting on the tour preparation. 

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